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Two years later...

Jimin and Namjoon were sat at the beach, hands untwined with each other, rings on the ring finger on both of their hands.

A lot has happened over the past two years. Well to start off, Namjoon's dad has been cheating on his mom for months and it truly broke her heart. But she got over it after some time. She explained to the boys that she was going to move out of their mansion and wanted all of them to go live somewhere far away from there and they all agreed since the dad was becoming abusive at the time towards her. This was when Tae told them of his relationship with Saeroyi, who is now his husband as well. They all of course excepted and Saeroyi was in on the plan too. He would be waiting outside the gates to drive them off to wherever mom told them to go.

But he overheard everything and refused to let them leave and even went as far as to put a bunch of bodyguards at the whole exterior of the house. He treated them terribly everyday and was drunk most of the time. It was loving hell for all of them. He hit his own sons sometimes when they pissed him off. They tried to escape but one bodyguard caught them and brought them back inside. He was nice enough to promise to not tell their dad, which was a huge relief.

This was when Jimin took his moment to shine.

One night, at midnight, he woke up everyone and invited Saeroyi and told him to wait outside once again through his magic. His magic kind of made him like a zombie but it was ok.

Once everyone went downstairs they saw all their things packed which confused everyone. He told them to get ready and to not ask questions in a voice he never used before. Pushing the shock of the change of their sweet Minnie's voice behind, they all listened.

Using his magic he put all he guard in a deep sleep, the same spell he used on the king. After that, they all successfully escaped and started living happily.

Now, you might be wondering what happened to the kingdom. Well, the king was arrested after their mom called the police on him and he was arrested. All other kingdoms heard of this and were shocked. The kings brother had many children and the second oldest was going to rule there with his wife (Idk if that's how it works, sorry😅). Two years later, the city has been the best its ever been.

As for Jennie, her and her now husband, Zico, are happily living in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. They always visit at least once a month to hang out.

Now, two years later, they're all happily in relationships, except for their mom who didn't want to be in relationship at the moment. They have their own separate houses but live next to each other. They all need each other and couldn't bear to be so far away from each other, one day maybe, but not now or soon.

They were all so happy living their life.

They're all married. Jin and Jungkook have a cute little baby girl named Nayeon. Yoongi and Hobi just have a pet dog, Mickey, since Yoongi wasn't ready for a kid. Tae and Saeroyi have a tiny hamster, Sakka, and a little puppy named Steve. Jimin and Namjoon have a calico cat named Yippi.

"Kim Namjoon-ah."

"Yes, darling?" Namjoon replied, rubbing a thumb over his husbands knuckle.

"I love you so much." Jimin declared. "I love you so much too, Kim Jimin."


And they lived happily ever after.

The end :)

It's the last chapter of this book😭😖 I'm sad now.

This is my first minimoni book ever, and it got a lot more love than expected and it makes me so happy! So thank you to everyone for reading this book!

I love you all so much!

AND! I'm also making two new books right now, and I just posted the characters and prologue but I'll actually start posting the actual chapters in one or two weeks. (or more😅) please check it out if you would like. It's just like a little preview of what the stories will be like. They're completely different from this story so yeah, stay tuned!

Anywho, thank you again for reading this book everyone! 😭

- This book is officially completed! -

Until next time! Bye bye!


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