𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 | 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬

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- Chapter Ten Pt. Three -

"Who is he?" Hyun asked bluntly.

Seok let out a shaky breath struggling to stay sitting his body wanting to lay down, his muscles screaming for him to do so. Though he just sat there watching Hyun like the others. Seok's face was bloody and dirty but his tears made slightly clean streaks down his cheeks in places.

"Why am I crying?" Hyun asked another question seemingly confused.

"My heart... is breaking."

Seok at these words spoken by Hyun let out a slight sob bringing his hand shakingly to Hyun's cheek wiping some fresh tears away, Hyun not pulling away at this seemingly comfortable at Seok's touch. Hyun looking at everyone as if thinking about something.

Moving to hold Seok's hand against his cheek for a few seconds before pushing it away and getting up slowly walking away. Everyone's attention on him till it turned to Seok who let out a pained noise trying to get up wanting to follow Hyun.


Seok fell back no more strength in his body as his vision went fuzzy again and head spun. Eunyu being the first to make her way over to Seok followed closely by Hyeok. Eunyu pulling Seok's head up slightly supporting it from the back as Seok's head was lulling backwards afraid he'd smash it on the floor again.

Seok only flinches at the touch speaking out hoarsely words that made everyone watching feel the pit in their stomachs drop.

"Don't touch me I'll just end up hurting you... I can never help anyone no matter how I try I always end up doing more harm than good."


"I'm a monster... I'm a monster."

Seok had cut off Hyeok's words moving out of Eunyu's touch grabbing onto his hair tugging slightly on it. Hyeok wincing at Seok's choice of words. Before anyone could deny it or help the poor teen who's currently most likely suffering a really bad head trauma injury again he stood up shoving past everyone stumbling down a hallway.

Hyeok went to go chase after Seok but Eunyu stopped him suggesting to give him some time to heal and go to Hyun first. Hyeok didn't want to but knew it was for the best as he leaves to visit Hyun. Though he turned to look the way Seok left as did everyone else when they heard a scream of pain. The screamed held a lot of emotions, none of which were good.



Seok shook his head as he stumbled down the hallway trying to ignore the word playing in his head nearly tripping over his one foot as he held onto the wall for support.


"S-stop no I'm not. I'm not a monster!" Seok whisper yelled to himself as he turns a corner bashing into the other wall before using that side now to keep moving.


Seok let out a frustrated scream as he stumbled falling against the wall sliding down it gabbing his hair tugging on it overwhelmed as he pulls his knees inwards tucking his head down hiding from it all. Seok didn't want this he never asked to be infected, never asked to be a monster. Seok couldn't understand this cruel fate he somehow was given instead of someone else. Though he'd used it to his advantage at times too to help others. Though all Seok could think now was it had never helped anyone and only caused more problems.

After what seemed like ages he stood up his vision clearer now, not swaying anymore as he walked. He'd always been a quiet walker not making much noise as he did. His face blank of emotion as he walked back the way he came ignoring any stares as he passed to go in Hyun's direction.

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