torturing the poor

520 16 47

7:56 pm

we smash balls

yamafatass: how do we flex we're rich without hardcore flexing

jin: you were complaining about not being rich the other day??

yamafatass: do you hear anything??

geometry: I got it

geometry: we wear shiratorizawa hoodies

charlidamelio: hell yeah 

cooluncle: What??

charlidamelio: its simple,

charlidamelio: shiratorizawa is a rich people school

charlidamelio: WE, attend shiratorizawa

charlidamelio: so we're rich by association 

carlwheezer: not how it works but ok

yamafatass: so obviously we want to flex our new found richness with shiratorizawa hoodies

jin: where would you even flex?

charlidamelio: mcdonalds

geometry: mcdonalds

yamafatass: mcdonalds

carlwheezer: nothing says rich like making minimum wage workers suffer 🤩

dorakinnie: I don't think I've ever seen a shiratorizawa hoodie actually

coolunce: They exist but no one wears them because we have uniforms

cooluncle: its either that or people barely leave their dorm so you wouldnt see them wearing the hoodie either way

charlidamelio: alright well we're on our way to the campus store to buy hoodies 

carlwheezer: why do we even have a campus store?

carlwheezer: istg this school operates more like a university 

jin: ^^

dorakinnie: I mean it's an academy, people pay big $$$$ to be here

dorakinnie: what do you expect

cooluncle: also very true ^^

carlwheezer: actually wait, where are ushijima and shirabu so they can stop this madness

jin: Ushijima is doing extra practice right now so it's better not to disturb him

jin: shirabu is actually productive and studying

carlwheezer: damn

yamafatass: we got the hoodies losers

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