Terms and Conditions

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Before I engage you onto my journey of self discovery, self love and self acceptance, there are a few conditions that have to take place:

Firstly, you will read this story with an open mind. Yes, and that entails keeping any prejudice, homophobic or blasphemous thoughts to yourself.

As well as rude and unnecessary comments about my book.

Again, I repeat this is MY story of self discovery. If you have any complaints about the book at any time whatsoever, you are free to stop reading it. Its your choice.

But please don't be rude and slam the creative process that has gone into creating this book.

Secondly, if you have felt any of the emotions expressed in this book, I strongly advise you to see professional counselling.

This book is not promoting any sort of suicidal behaviour, but acts as a sort of therapy for the author as well as being a "memoire" of some sorts.

Thirdly, if any of family and friends of the author are reading this book, PRETEND as if you NOT AT ALL related to the author. Or you will either be seriously offended by the stories in this book.

Remember the first sentence in the first condition...

Fourthly, try to laugh. Hopefully, if this book is written in the humour that intended to be, it will not be so morbid. Humour is the literary crutch we use to soften the blow that is life.

(Did you like that last line? Made that up myself! [wipes teardrops dramatically] )

As Julie Andrews sang in the film, Sound of Music:

"Let's start at the very beginning

A very good place to start..."

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