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A/N: This is an introduction chapter. A chapter where you get to know the characters.

Life is like a book.

I was standing here, Platform 9 3/4. I had wanted to come back as soon as I had finished my fifth year. Let's just say, the relationship with my parents was not the best and that's why I enjoyed my time at Hogwarts. Then it hit me. Next year will be my last year, no more using this place as an escape, no more Hogwarts, no more safe haven .
'I have to make these last 2 years count' I thought as I boarded the train.
I was looking around then I saw her, her familiar golden locks,
"Lia!" I exclaimed a bit too excitedly, knocking over some 1st years.
"Em, you need to be more careful, you just knocked over some 1st years!" She protested.
I put my bags into the over-head bag compartment and sat down,
"How was your summer, is Theo okay?" Aurelia queried,
"It was alright, mother and father arguing, as always. Then mother shouting at me. " I murmured, "Theo's okay though, he's dating Gin." Aurelia looked at me puzzled, "As in Ginny Weasley? Our best, red headed, friend!?"
"Yes." I nodded. I was happy for them, they looked happy together, but apart of me envied my brother, I had never even had a boyfriend and I'm a whole year older than Theo. Also, the fact that our parents treated him like a king, and me, like their person servant. Although, I didn't really care for male attention, I'd rather keep my head in my books and my work. Anyways, whenever a boy spoke to me I would freeze up and not be able to speak.

~Time jump to Hogwarts~

We had arrived, I was stood at the gates, I could smell the food from the great hall from here, it reminded me that i was home.
God I had missed this place.
As I was going to enter the great hall, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Thought you'd be able to sit down without even saying hello." It was Leo, "I'm sorry I didn't see you on the train, I was talking to Cedric about joining the Quidditch team."
We just stared at each other for a while. I could feel my cheeks
"It's fine, we are talking now. We best go inside, it sounds like the feast is about to begin."
He smiled before walking off to go to his houses' table and i, to mine.
"Where have you been? The first years have almost all been sorted" Aurelia whisper-shouted.
"I was talking to Leo."
She made an 'O' shape with her lips, she knew I have had a crush on him since 3rd year, but I would never tell him, I couldn't risk ruining our friendship. So for now and probably forever we would be just friends.
I looked over to the Slytherin table to see if Theo was there, to my surprise, he's was talking to Draco Malfoy and what was more surprising is that Draco was staring right at me.

I brushed it off. Maybe Theo told him an embarrassing story about me or maybe he wanted to know who 'Theo's sister' was. Even though he was in the year below, Theo managed to be friends with most of the people in the school. Some may even say he's 'popular.'

The feast was over. I was heading back to my common room when I heard Hermiones voice,
"Harry, you have to tell me why you have blood on your- Em!" She ran up and hugged me. Standing with her was Harry.
"Harry why do you have blood on you face?" I asked. Harry had always been a dear friend to me, especially last year, in the D.A he taught me loads of new spells and helped me conjure a Patronus, mine is a dragon.
"It's nothing, just Malfoy." Harry mumbled.
"Maybe, it's because you are under the impression that Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater!" Hermione shrieked, i shuddered at the thought. I hated the words 'Death Eater.'
"Blimey Hermione, keep your voice down! I could hear you from across the corridor." it was my second favourite Weasley, Ron.
"Lovely greeting Ronald, nice to see you too." Hermione sneered. She seemed angry with him, I pondered why but didn't pursue it, I knew that would just make her even more mad and take it out on me me. We all stood their in an awkward silence,
"I best be off, it was lovely to see you guys again, but Aurelia will be wondering where I am." I smiled and waved before leaving the trio. They were my only other friends apart from Aurelia and Leo.
"How do you make the number 7 even without addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division?" The eagle knocker asked. The riddles each day drove me through the roof! Sometimes I think it would be easier if I was in a different house. But, I do love the view from the ravenclaw tower.
"Uhhh. Oh, you take away the 'S.'" I hoped I was right. I was and the door opened.
"Emmeline Anastasia Clemonté, where were you? We were walking to the common room together, next thing I know, I was here and you were off, God knows where." Aurelia scolded.
"Firstly, I know my relationship with my mother is bad but you don't need to act like a substitute one. Secondly, I was talking to Hermione, Harry and Ron. Harry had blood on his face and he thinks that-"
"Em, now you're rambling, I'm just glad you are ok. Now we both need to get some rest. We have potions classes in the morning. Oh and also, we have a new potions teacher, Professor Slughorn and Snape is now our D.A.D.A teacher." I groaned, Snape hated me so I already knew this year would be my worst year yet.

A/N: this chapter is so bad but it was the only way I could think of to introduce the characters. Sorry!!<3

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