The festival

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Atsuma and Oikawa were running around the festival with a bunch of candy while Osuma Suna Iwaizumi and Sakusa trying to keep up with them "IWA-CHAN! LOOK IT'S A TEDDY BEAR!!" Oikawa said jumping up and down in front of a booth that had a giant teddy bear and Iwaizumi walked over "How much for the bear?" Iwaizumi said taking out his wallet "50$" a man said Iwaizumi paid the man and gives the teddy bear to Oikawa "EEEEK!!" Oikawa holds the bear Atsuma sees a bear "OMI OMI!" Sakusa sees the bear and Takes out his wallet "How much?" The man looks at the bear "100$" Sakusa pays the man and gives the bear to Atsuma "EEEEK!!" Atsuma and Oikawa run away and Iwaizumi and Sakusa chase them while Suna and Osuma walk the other way talking.

Hinata Yamaguchi Nishinoya Tanaka and Yachi were running around the festival while Suga Daichi Kageyama Tsukishima Kiyoko Asahi And Ennoshita were chasing them "NOYA LOOK!!" Tanaka points to cotton candy "OOO!!" Tanaka and Nishinoya look at Ennoshita and Asahi with puppy dog eyes "Enno?🥺" Tanaka runs over to Ennoshita with puppy dog eyes and Nishinoya looks at Asahi "Asahi?🥺" Asahi and Ennoshita don't want to say no but they know that Nishinoya and Tanaka are going to get mad if they do "Fine" Asahi and Ennoshita's thoughts 'I'm going to regret saying that' they sigh and look at each other Yamaguchi sees a dinosaur plushie and shows Tsukishima "I want!" Tsukishima says picking it up Yamaguchi pays for it and smiles Yachi sees a Kola and shows Kiyoko and She pays for it while Yachi picks it up and smiles cutely Hinata sees a tangerine plushie and tugs Kageyamas shirt and Kageyama buys it for Hinata Suga and Daichi sigh

Ushijima and Semi were looking for Tendou and Shirabu who were playing a game at a booth that they walked past over 50 times then they see them and walk over "Tendou what are you doing?" Ushijima looks at his boyfriend confused "WAKATOSHI-KUN!! I WANT THE HISOKA BODY PILLOW" Ushijima pays for the body pillow and just looks at Tendou who was hugging the body pillow then he feels a sharp pain in his chest and hugged Tendou he was surprised by Ushijima's reaction and laughed Semi and Shirabu started arguing about something not important at all then make out in a very aggressive way "YOU BITCH!! HOW DARE YOU BITE MY FUCKING TONGUE!!" Shriabu said very mad "YOU BIT MINE!!" Semi said madder than Shirabu "Shria calm down!" Tendou said behind Shriabu with a clingy Ushijima around his waist "Semi be a good boyfriend" Ushijima said with a dead expression "Ushijima h-nvm"

Yaku Akaashi and Kenma were talking while Lev Bokuto and Kuroo were playing chess Bokuto throws the chess board "I QUIT!" Bokuto crosses his arms and huffs A girl sees Bokuto "OMG MY HUSBAND!" Bokuto screams bloody murder "Bokuto-san come here" Akaashi said behind the girl and Bokuto runs to Akaashi and holds onto him the girl turns around "Future husband!" Akaashi death stares the girl and so does Kuroo Lev Kenma and Yaku while Bokuto was hiding in Akaashi's neck "B Bokuto-san t That's m my n neck" Bokuto was biting Akaashi's neck the girls mom and dad walk over and take her hand "YAKU-SAN!! LOOK IT'S A PIG" Lev points to a very beautiful girl that was Yakus ex "Lev that isn't n-wait nevermind" Yaku pets Lev not knowing what else to do "Do you want me to go on my knees?" Lev said as he felt a foot kick his leg that made him loss his balance and fall then he laughed "I told him not to talk about Yakus height" Kenma said as Kuroo had his arms around him

Yahaba and Kyotani were eating ramen at a booth with Kunmi and Kindaichi who were obviously crushing on each other but were totally unaware of each others feelings but everyone on their team knew they liked each other Yahaba and Kyotani started to argue "KYOTANI!! WHY DID YOU STEAL MY NOODLES!!" Yahaba said really mad "Because they are good!" Kyotani said as he put sticks his tongue out at Yahaba who ended up kissing him and he blushed "Y YAHABA!" He blushed more "Stick your tongue out at me again I dare you" Yahaba said in a very hot angry voice Kyotani sticks his tongue out again and Yahaba kisses him but even deeper than before


Bokuto sees that Akaashi was cold and wraps his arms around him Lev sees that Yaku is freezing and put his jacket on him Kyotani sees that Yahaba is cold and gives him his jacket Iwaizumi sees that Oikawa is cold and cuddles him on the grass Suga and Daichi were cuddling on the grass Kindaichi and Kunmi were holding hands not knowing it Ushijima sees that Tendou is cold and puts his jacket on him then cuddles him Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were cuddling on the grass while Hinata and Kageyama were making out Kenma was playing on his switch and Kuroo was sleeping on Kenma's lap Tanaka was looking at Ennoshita sleep on his lap Aashi was cuddling Nishinoya Kiyoko and Yachi were walking around the festival holding hands


~At practice~

Kenma doesn't set to Kuroo at all and Kuroo gets concerned "20 MINUTE BREAK" The coach said on the other side of the gym "Huh??" Kenma stops what he is doing and drinks his water bottle "Kenma is something wrong?" Yaku asks confused "..." Kenma looks down "Kitten? What's wrong?" Kenma looks at Kuroo with a very hot mad look and Kuroo's heart skips a beat "I THINK MY HEART JUST SKIPPED A BEAT" Kuroo said as he made Lev practice blocks "Yaku-San why are you so short?" Yaku kicks Lev "Yaku stop" Kenma said behind Kuroo Bokuto and Akaashi get really concerned "Kenma?" Akaashi and Tendou say pulling Kenma away "Kenma what's wrong?" Hinata says very concerned

Oikawa and Atsuma get really concerned "What's wrong Kenma?" Oikawa and Atsuma say concerned "Kenma stop being so shy" Suna says sleeping on Osumas lap "Shut up!" A ball almost hits Suna but Osuma stops it "No touching my sleepyhead!!" Osuma throws the ball back at Yahaba "KYOTANI WTF WHY ARE YOU GETTING SO WORKED UP OVER A PRACTICE MATCH!!" Yahaba says throwing the ball at Kyotani "I'm not you asshole!!" Kyotani says throwing the ball back at Yahaba "YES TF YOU ARE!!" Yahaba says and sounds really in a mad  voice Kyotani blushes "Your so hot right now.." Kyotani says outloud "Uh what?" Yahaba says confused "I I I-" Kyotani goes quiet "Kyotani what the actual fuck what you just said was totally gay" Yahaba says pinning Kyotani against the wall "But you are" Kyotani pins Yahaba and smirks

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