Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jazz's P.O.V

I havent seen any one besides Zane in awhile but even he doesnt make things better. They dot make things with mom ok or dad ok. I tryed to talk to Zaila but it was weird i just meet her its still too weird plus shes been busy.

Now ive been in my room with the door locked and lights out. My eyes hurt from crying my throat hurts from the screaming. I yelled at my parents for the first few days to leave me alone i never ate either.

Finally they got the message and left me alone

That was two days ago

I was so weak and pathetic

their were tons of tissues around me and the bed pillows were even wet from my tears.

I heard a knock on my door UGH didnt they get the damn message


i heard the door wiggle for a few seconds before it opened and it was Zane and i just stared at him. He looked good again un bruised.

"its me im home"

"oh zane im so sorry i havent seen you in awhile"

"its ok i understand but youve been in here for a whole week basically?!?!?"

i no slowly feeling my head grow heavy.

"you need to eat your mom says you havent eatin anything in along time"

all i could do was nod and before i knew it i was being guided out the door. I was afraid i will admit i was

afraid. But i couldnt fight him he lead me down the stairs my legs giving out everyonce in awhile.

I was in the kitchen and he smeel of pizza hit my nose and i felt the hunger pains and wanted food.

My mom looked up and ran over to me,"JAZZ JAZZY BABY IM SO SORRY WE ALL ARE PLEASE DONT

DO THIS AGAIN OK PLEASE" i was probably being over dramatic bout the whole thing so i just nodded


30 min later

I was stuffed full on a whole entire pizza i ate myself.

"Jazz you ok"

"um yah sure i guess right now im just really tired"

"ok lets get you to bed ok just take it slow we gotta go to school tomarrrow anyways"

i just nodded to tired to do anything else.

We made to my room and before i knew it i was in bed under the covers pretty much passed out when i felt Zane crawl in next to me and whisper,

"good night Jazz i love you"

Then darkness surrounded me




damn alarm clock always waking me up from my nice slumber. Makes me get out of my warm covers to turn it off then get ready for hell.


School drug on forever i fell asleep in many classes got yelled at multiple times. Failed the test i took earlier and today. Everyon gauked and stared at me yah i know i look like shit who wouldnt.

Something was bothering me though

This boy

His name was Keith he was a bad BAD boy

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