I got a woman

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A loud noise woke me up from my dreams. I cringed and immediately opened my eyes. Saying that I was suprised to see Elvis standing in the door frame would have been an understatement. I frowned, not able to recall the events from last night. Elvis seemed amused by my confusion. He closed the door behind him and made his way to the bed. I finally remembered coming to his room the previous day. The only thing I didn't remember was sleeping in his bed but I must have fallen asleep next to him without even noticing. He sat down on the bed and naturally propped his hand on the bed so that my waist was trapped under his arm. His closeness made me a little uncomfortable and the fact that he was clearly staring at my lips didn't help the situation. 

What's the time?

I tried to sound as casual as possible. 

Eh, must be around noon. 


He giggled at my visible frustration. 

Why didn't you wake me? 

How was I supposed to? I left at around seven in the morning and just came back. 

His perky expression never left his face. 

You could have told me to leave at seven. Ugh, I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to fall asleep. 

I meant what I said with all my heart. I was really embarrassed by the situation. 

You don't need to apologize, darling. 

His face came imperceptibly closer to mine. He whispered:

I didn't mind at all.

My lips were catching the air that escaped his lips when he said those words. 

The thin thread of this tense moment was being atwained by the cut of sharp scissors. Metaphorically speaking. What really happened was, I flinched back and said: 

I should probably go now. 

He lifted his arm to make space for me to get out. I made my way to the door and he followed me. When I turned around he was once again standing way too close to my body. 

Again, I'm really sorry. 

I said contritely. Looking up at him. 

Again, it was my pleasure. 

He said assuringly. Looking down at me. 

I left his room with a smile. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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