authors note

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hello! wilbur revealed the treatment for what would have happened if pog2020 (wilbur and tommy) would have won in the dream smp election. this is a story based off of that treatment. i am in no way affiliated with any of the people in the story, this is simply for fun. in the stream wilbur said,

"wilbur becomes president by a landslide. tommy and wilbur's first act is to imprison schlatt for his crimes on voter fraud. quackity wishes to join l'manberg, so wilbur and tommy order him to build a second, larger wall to ensure no americans can get in. schlatt convinces quackity to leave a fault in the wall to be exploited at a later date (i put a question mark in there.) a festival is held to celebrate wilbur's inauguration. the festival is attacked by the dream team (or others) l'manberg is besieged by war once more. the he attackers demand wilbur stepped down, and also the people of l'manberg demand that wilbur stepped down for failing to keep the peace in l'manberg's walls. wilbur steps down in a heartfelt moment, making tommy the president of l'manberg"

reminder that if you enjoy, please do consider adding it to your library, voting on it, and sharing it to other mcyt fans! i put a lot of effort into writing this and planning it all out, so any and all support is appreciated. :)

there will be swearing and some war in this story! if these things bother you, you can always skip the chapter they're in (i'll make sure to put a cw [content warning] in the start of the chapter.

as always, i wish you the best. enjoy!!

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