the results

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"with nine percent of the vote, being roughly twenty thousand people or so, in fourth place... is coconut 2020!" wilbur announces. fundy and niki look at each other for a moment, saying nothing, processing what they had just heard.

"TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE!!" niki exclaims, jumping up and down. fundy gives her a high five and joins her in celebrating.

"the pity votes" quackity murmurs. everyone laughs, including the members of the party.

"hey fundy, good work man. everyone is proud of you" tommy turns to fundy and niki, and nods in their direction.

"thank you tommy!" fundy says, with a smile on his face.

"when you code your way into the election" quackity jokes, shaking his head. everyone laughs once more.

"with sixteen percent of the vote, coming in third place, is schlatt 2020, putting him in third place by popular vote." schlatt says nothing, and takes a few steps back. he knows what is soon to come. he knows where his fate will land.

"now that leaves two parties left." wilbur pauses.

"this leaves the two major front runners as the final option." he briefly pauses again, for a dramatic effect. wilbur glances around at the crowd, then at niki and fundy, then at schlatt.

"why isn't he saying anything?" wilbur wonders, slightly frustrated.

"in second place, with thirty percent of the popular vote, is.. led by.. the party leader quackity. meaning the winner of the popular vote, by forty five percent, is pog 2020."

"congratulations wilbur!" quackity and george congratulate their new president.

"thank you, it was a good run." wilbur walks to fundy and niki and shakes both of their hands.

"good work guys" he smiles. they congratulate him, cheering for their friend. wilbur smiles, and walks toward his competition. quackity pats his new president on the back, and shakes his hand. george does the same.

finally, wilbur turns to face jschlatt. the cruel, ruthless tyrant. schlatt says nothing. he nods in wilbur's direction, but that's it.

"wilbur!!!" tommy exclaims.

"yes tommy?"

"did we win?" the small british boy looks up at wilbur, with hope in his bright blue eyes.

"yes tommy, we won." the older boy smiles at his new vice president, feeling nothing but pure joy.

hello again, it's me :) i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i really enjoyed writing it. this chapter was written based 100% on the moments leading up to when schlatt got elected as president, most of the dialogue here is what actually happened, with some added parts and some more description!! if you have any questions, drop them below and i'll answer them all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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