Kinda sad :/

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TW// Suicide mentioned


First of all if you get triggered by mentions of suicide then do not continue this rant and just wait till the next one ok :)

this is gonna be kinda sad --



whatever it is just know that it is gonna be sad.


Uhh hey I just wanted you to know that you are beautiful and I know some people don't hear that enough which is absolute horse-shit because I love you all and will keep saying it until everyone hears it >:)

However I know just one random person on the internet can't really sway ur opinion but, please no matter what you do. Don't kill yourself.

Because pain doesn't just go away.

You killing yourself just passes on the pain to somebody else.

I'm not saying just hold onto the pain and let it go.

I'm saying to go to therapy

I'm saying talk to other people (my dm's are always open if you don't wanna tell anybody)

I'm saying that you are worth the effort and maybe somebody at school is watching you and it makes their day when you show up.

I'm saying that there is so much to live for.

I'm saying that even though it is overused that it will get better.

I'm saying that I hope you get better and know that you always have somebody in your corner.

I'm saying that there is hope


I know that this went from kid shows to literal suicide but I just feel like this needs to be said. 

Again my dm's are always open but if you feel like talking to me won't help here is some professional help:


Stay hydrated and know that I love you all my little sprouts ÙwÚ


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