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As she gazed out of the window from April's apartment, she could see the horrific changes down below and in the air. She saw helicopters hovering above multiple buildings and people screaming on the streets. 

Is this a dream? Or is this the future? What is supposed to happen... Osa is confused about why she is so afraid of this nightmare. All she understands is that Donnie, his brothers, and Splinter are right next to her. April is nowhere to be found.

"Osa, we'll get through this." He told her in the nightmare. "All of us together." 

"I thought we'd have it all." She replied, her voice breaking.

"I know..." Don wanted to cry with her when he brought her into one of his tightest hugs. Together, they watch as the world ends and becomes a reborn planet full of unknown enemies and arising friends... But still, they didn't want to believe this.

Left and right there are people dying and nothing can be done about it.

Suddenly, Osa found herself outside the apartment in standing in the middle of a random street she was unfamiliar with. Once she turned around, a herd of nasty and sick humans were chasing after her. She ran away from them, but the problem she was currently having was she was unable to shift.

The shapeshifter screamed loudly while she sprinted through the streets as a human being! She wasn't a shapeshifter and this worried her. Osa realized she depended on her abilities greatly during a fictional time like this inside her head.

Osa fought her way through the nightmare until she saw a single wooden door at the end of the street... just sitting there waiting for her. As the herd got closer, Osa ran faster until finally, she burst through the door and felt her entire body wake up back in reality. 


Osa flashes her eyes open in her bed the day after her birthday, barely feeling rested after having a bunch of confusing dreams. She got up from her bed in April's apartment and looked outside to see a fresh blanket of snow over New York. She slipped the gadget glasses over her face she had gotten from Donnie to have a better look. "White Christmas." She smiled, jogging out of her room and finding April is still asleep. "April, wake up!"

"Mm..." She grumbled, putting her head under her pillow.

"Get up!" Osa shook her roughly before rushing to the living room. The brightness outside nearly blinded Osa's eyes. Her pupils adjusted to the light and she was in awe with how beautiful the outside was. It's like she is seeing this again for the first time. 

She never wanted to forget the sight of this for it may disappear forever in a hundred years. It made her sad to think about that but she kept a positive attitude about it all. Osa opened the window to feel the stinging chill come into the apartment.

Instantly, she jumped out the window, purposely falling to the earth before shifting into a barred owl. Wide eyes, spotted brown feathers, and a flat face. She glides through the snow on Christmas day, soaring in the wind to make her way to the lair and greet her family.

She loved the feeling of flying, craving for adventure, and never wanting this life to end.

Osa flip-flops back and forth, wanting to become human again and then changing her mind to continue who she is now. 

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '16) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟸 ❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now