Spellbound *Part 1*

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Please read the author's note at the very end to understand the plot better ^-^

*3rd Point of View*

*Camelot Late 12th Century*

Camelot was a place of magic and harmony or so it was written in history books. However, magic was a powerful thing and only those who understood it could master it.

In the castles of Camelot, some masters of wizardry take in apprentices like the young aspiring wizard right now who is stuck sweeping the floors. He had black hair that was tied in a man bun, and had yellow eyes

(I researched it).

As he sweeps, he accidentally knocks down a knights helmet causing it to snatch it away and 'glare' at him, "S-sorry!" He stammers quickly backing away.

He picks up his broom and looks around the messy room, "Blast it." He mutters under his breath.

He uses his wrist band (im calling it that and sticking with it) and uses a quick spell to make the broom clean by itself.

The young wizard apprentice yawns and takes out his lute and strums a few cords, "Hsirdoux!" An old man shouts causing his broom to slap him and make him fall.

"What have we talked about?" A man with metal armor and a staff comes in.

A mere second later a lavender flash appears next to him and reveals a short girl with black hair, calming purple eyes and a similar outfit to that of her fellow apprentice.

Merlin nods at her in which she quickly got the message

"Magic isn't a permissible shortcut to hard work." Hsirdoux stated while picking up books and placing them on a shelf.

"Good, now carry on and don't-"

"But Master-"

"But 'Master' me." The wizard cuts him off causing the petite girl to silently giggle.

She quickly walks over to Hsirdoux and quickly picks up the rest of the fallen books, putting them on the shelf. As she does this, her friend stammers to their master trying to explain his reasons,

"I'm just...I know I'm capable of more than just pushing a broom." He says and not long after his own broom starts attacking him, throwing him around the room.

The female ravenette pauses from picking up books and uses her magic to disappear in a lavender flash, and not long later another flash appears next to Hsirdoux who was still being mauled. She grabs the broom and makes it inanimate with her magic.

"Thanks Akira." He says as he stands up. She nods and quickly gives Hsirdoux a head pat before going back to cleaning.

Merlin views this and continues his quick lesson, "If there is a universal truth in this world, it is that struggle is the flame which forged ones soul into steel. Magic cannot be a crutch. For example, Akira has already mastered her teleportation magic because her soul has already been forged into steel." He says while working in his cauldron.

Merlin walks over to Hsirdoux and Akira, "To take the easy way out is to merely exist, Hsirdoux."

"So, why am I learning spells if I'm not supposed to use them?" The apprentice argues. Akira nods at this letting out a small 'hmph'

"I want to be a wizard like you! With a staff and everything!" The male exclaims as he sits on a table.

"Staffs are for those with mastery over magic." Merlin argues back.

"Then what about Akira? She practically mastered her magic already, how come she doesn't get a staff—ow!" Before Hsirdoux could complete his sentence the girl slapped the back of his head while shaking her head.

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