A Now Dead World Pt2

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Qui-Gon POV

Today certainly has been both an interesting and somewhat crazy day for me.

Now, I'm use to seeing a lot of unusual things, as well as being out in the field enough to know that you have to be prepared for the unexpected. However, landing on a dead world—which so far had almost tried to kill me and my apprentice—only to be saved by four mere teenagers that had survived for god knows how long in this world... Well, needless to say that I had reached my limit to how much craziness I could take.

After Obi-Wan fell off the back of the mechanical dragon, and Percy had dived to save him, the three other teenagers—who were named Piper, Will and Leo—and I had reached the roof of the Plaza Hotel, which to my surprise had managed to stay almost perfectly intact, apart from one corner of the roof being badly damaged. We landed immediately before the storm had officially reached the building.

As I turned around, I saw Leo hold up his arms with his wrists uncovered and his palms open. The dragon nodded, before I witnessed something truly impressive—the dragon shuddered for a moment... before it disintegrated before my eyes, becoming a massive cloud of gold and black dust. The small particles in the air hovered for a moment, before they zoomed towards Leo's outstretched arms. To my shock, they began forming into new shapes—metal vambraces that shielded Leo's arms and hands.

I looked at Leo with a raised eyebrow. He caught me looking and he nodded his head, as if it were perfectly normal. Before long, we rushed to the roof top entrance, and made our way indoors.

At one point, the interior would've been grand in appearance with high ceilings and fine chandelier. The whole building must've been a hot spot for many fancy people who came and went. Now though, the interior was a mess—many of the tables had been smashed; the walls were cracked and the painting had begun to rot and decay; the glass doors to the main lobby were smashed, and the chandelier had smashed to the ground ages ago.

Before I had chance to sit down, Piper, Will and Leo had rushed to the front entrance of the building, frantically waving at Percy and Obi-Wan to hurry up. I got scared for a moment as both of them were blasted by lightning, but to my relief they had managed to limp inside the Plaza Hotel and collapse to the ground, with me rushing to Obi-Wan's side.

His leg was badly burned—the skin was blistered and charred in places. Not to mention, it was bleeding pretty badly near the knee. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem for a Jedi, since it could be healed almost instantly by calling on the Force to aid you. However, considering the damage that was sustained to his leg, it would take more than an hour to heal.

"Obi-Wan," I said, getting my tired apprentices attention. "Are you alright?"

Obi-Wan nodded, too tired to speak. He took one look at his knee, and by the green tinge on his face, he was going to be sick. Somehow, he managed to stop himself doing so.

He looked up at Percy, who was being tended to by Piper, as she began dabbing at his cuts with a cloth that was coated with golden liquid. Now that he had relaxed some and had sat down, I finally managed to get a better look at him.

Despite having several nicks and cuts on his face and hands, he looked relatively unharmed. His hair was further unkept by the winds outside, and his coat was now sporting a tear on the back. His magically sealed sword lay to his left, and he was panting lightly as he allowed Piper to tend to him.

But that wasn't what caught my attention. It was the moment that he stepped into the room and I felt the Force well up around him that caught my focus.

It was like standing in front of a wellspring in the Force. His aura level was off the charts, and I knew straight away that he was the source of the disturbance that Obi-Wan and I were searching for. The same disturbance that had eluded us for some time ever since we entered the planets atmosphere.

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