Chapter 8 - Madam Kuznetsov

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I would never admit it to Mold, but I can't fully trust the person I rescued either. But even if I could, I think it would be the ideal thing to get the tour over with as soon as possible. I methodically walked Mold up and down the entire downtown area, pointing out the major attractions and congregation sites. The day is pretty warm for the end of December, so all in all it was a rather nice walk, circumstances excluded.

Plus it's not like I've really had the mental or physical space to keep up with my training, so it's nice to get a chance to get out and exercise some. I take my strength training very seriously since I'm pretty small, especially compared to most of the people I go up against. I really need to be able to pack a punch; as much as I wish it was being nimble isn't going to cut it.

It doesn't seem like Mold appreciates the physical exertion as much though; when I asked if she wanted to go for a second lap to really get the layout of the city engrained in her head she quickly turned down the offer, instead opting to go and pick out some new clothes. I can't say I really blame her, the city is fairly big, and it has some cool museums and old buildings, but everything is laid out so plainly. I understand the grid plan, but man is it boring.

"Hey Mold?"

"What's up?" She calls out from inside of a fitting room.

"It just occurred to me, why is Ragnarök here of all places? Like, what makes this city special?"

"Oh, it's not," I hear fabric slip over her head, and my eyebrows furrow; "You know that librarian, oh, what's his name, the one representing Thoth?"


"Yeah, yeah. Well, you know how he initiates you when you officially join? Thoth's descendants always have to sort of moderation duty, so the battle always follows wherever their bloodline goes. Or so I've heard."

"So does that mean that all of the other representatives live around here then?"

"Not necessarily, but oftentimes there will be a higher percentage of them in the surrounding area. It certainly doesn't hurt to keep an eye out for suspicious looking foreigners, as they can come from anywhere to take part."


I guess that makes things simpler. Or maybe it's more complicated? For a bit there I was seriously thinking that we would have to travel the world to track down every last one of these representatives in order to get them to forfeit, but I'm glad that's not the case.

The other side of the coin is that I could end up having to fight someone I know, and I don't quite like that idea. My ideals are just, and I will uphold them, but still, the idea that I might have to beat Carlos around doesn't give me the most joy. Even if I do like a good fight.

No, no. Now Mold's getting to me. I'm not some carnal, violent beast. I'm doing this to bring about world peace after all.


Mold leaps out of the dressing room, and I get up from my resting spot on the wall. She has on a pair of oakleys as well as some white jeans, along with a fishnet top that has just enough fabric so as not to get a citation for public indecency. Probably.

"Whaddya think?" She flashes a jagged grin.

"Well... let's put that windbreaker back on as well, why don't we?" I toss her the multicolored coat.

"Fine fine, but what do you think?"

"Well. It certainly distracts from the parts of you that don't seem quite human. So overall I'd say it's a good look."

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