Chapter 15 - A Cordial Chat

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 "Oh, no no no." This can't be happening.

"Brady, I'm sorry-" Mr. Argyros starts to get up, and I jump up as well, knocking my chair over.

"Stay away from me!"

"Brady, I'm not going to hurt you. It's alright."

"Yeah? Why on earth should I trust you? Why did you need to get me away from my friends?" My heart pounds in my chest, and the Tiwaz on my shoulder burns.

"So that we could have an undisturbed talk. Please, Brady, sit down. The last thing I want is to hurt you." His eyes are pleading behind his mask, and his words shoot out in a fast, desperate way. It's something I've only seen from him a couple of times before.

"Fine." I pick up my chair from the floor, and Mr. Argyros slides back into his, pouring himself another drink and downing it immediately. "So? I assume you know all about me then?"

"Please sit down Brady. It's scary with you standing over me like that."

"Fine." I slam down into the seat, sitting forward in case I'm going to need to jump up in a hurry.

"Thank you. And yes, I know who you are. I'm a direct descendant of the god that I'm representing as well. I could tell that you were like me the moment I laid eyes on you."

"So you decided to raise me into your little fighting machine to do your bidding in this Ragnarök? Is that it?"

"Brady, I wanted to keep you out of it! Do you really think that I wanted to do this to you? Losing your parents is more than enough, you shouldn't have to bear this pain too!"

"Then why not tell me. Huh? Why not tell me about all of this so that I would actually be able to trust you?"

Mr. Argyros pours another drink before answering; "Indeed, it's one of the gravest mistakes I've ever made. And that really means something, coming from me. I guess it was a... a foolish hope. A hope that you somehow wouldn't find out about who you are."

"Yeah, well I did."

"And how exactly did you, if I may ask?"

"Pah! Why should I tell you anything? Do you that time I took your Ferrari out, and instead of punishing me-"

"-We made the deal never to keep secrets from each other again. I remember."

"Yeah, well, how's that turned out?"

"I'm sorry."

I scoff again and gaze past the man, looking into the dark sky outside. Not a single star can be seen through the clouds.

"So what is it?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Cut the crap. What's the point of coming to me now and revealing all of this? What's your end goal?"

Mr. Argyros sighs, and reaches for the bottle of alcohol. However he decides against it, and his fingers only brush against the glass before they entwine with each other on top of the table.

"I want to ask you to surrender, Brady."


"I want you to talk to your friends, and have them surrender as well. You were always naturally authoritative, they'll listen to you."

"Oh, so you think that you won't beat us?"

"No. I just don't want to kill you."

The words hit me like a left hook to my chin.

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