Someone New..?

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(^ that Is what I would think you would look like but in real life or realistic cartoons^)(Female reader :), So sorry Boys, Nonbianarys, and Tran, And any other ) (or you could have short hair and/or any colors, or another skin, It totally fine. But it would be beneficial if they had a mask on, Now I hope you enjoy the story!)

You could hear leaves on the ground, even moving an inch makes noise, so there's no way that you could walk in there and not have people or animals hear you. and some people, they don't try and be quiet.

"Heather!" A boy with fluffy, brown yelled, "Heather, Stop playing around!" 

She chuckled at how loud her friend was being, all the leaves making so much noise as he runs around. She decided she would come out of her hiding spot...

"George, I'm right he-" "TOMMY GIVE ME MY SWORD BACK!"  She had gotten interrupted by someone..? but who did she got interrupted by, that she has no clue of, The young teen stopped in her tracks as George ran next to her. 

They looked around, leaves making more noise than ever, wondering 'What was that? WHO was that?' Then it hit Goerge, "Oh, Heather don't bother, that's Tubbo and Tommy-Don't think you guys have met yet.." 

As George Trailed off, Heather started to wander towards the so-called 'Tubbo' and 'Tommy', she would like to meet them now. George being lost in his words and thoughts did not notice this.

Unlike most people, when she runs, witch she learned from her brother, how to be light on her feet, basally not making noise when she runs. She walked closer and saw blonde tufts of hair preferably on a human, with brown ones nearby.

George finally notice that she was gone, and sighed 'Dreams gonna kill me, "why'd you loses my little sister, George?" I can hear him now' He just walked back to their base hoping and praying he'll find her back on the way

She walked closer to the two boys, "Tubbo you dumbass, this is my sword, and by the way-" "Uhh excuse me?" Heather poked her head out so the two boys should see her. Tommy's eye widened, and Tubbo looked confused.

"Hello, Women!" Tommy said enthusiastically. "Hi!" Tubbo said more enthusiastically then Tommy.

Heather fully jumped out of the bushes she was inside of, crunching leaves, "Uhh-Hi." She said as she dust off dirt and other things off of her.

Tubbo started "You know-I never saw you. So uhh wh-" "Who are you?" Tommy finished for him. Shifting the weight from on of his legs' to the other.

"Ohh-Right. I'm Heather" She stated extending her hand. Tubbo shook her hand and Tommy staird at it, Then pushed it away.

"Well-how old are you?" Tommy asked, wanting to know if hes still the youngest person here. "Oh! Im 16. What about you guys?" "Both 16" Tubbo said smiling. "Yea well-Me and Tubbo have to go"

"No we don't, We need to go into the forest-"

"Oh well if Tommy wont go with you, I'll go with you Tubbo!" ,Heather said slighly smiling, "Im good with a sword if a monsters or something come up."

Hoping she can have more people to talk to then Dream, Sapnap, And George, Because well yea they are her friends but nor really, they just her brother friends.

Tommy felt his ears turn red "Well fine then, Go on Tubbo" He said as he walked away.

A/N: Well yk wait for the next chapter 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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