Someone Else's Light

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It's been a while since I've worked on this, but I have had it on my mind a lot. There are so many things I want to talk about and not enough words to convey them.

But something I've been thinking about for hours on end is this idea of worth. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we're worth something. It's really easy to feel invisible, or worthless. Maybe someone talked over you, or maybe they just phrased the words better than you did. Maybe they're just prettier, more charismatic, more liked than you are. Maybe people want to be their friend, but not yours.

We all have, at some point, that person in our life who's just a light, a joy. Someone who lifts us up and makes us feel better. They are the one who knows what to say, or what to do, even if they don't ever realize it.

The thing is...

We are all that person to someone else.

Maybe it's the smallest thing and the only thing we do is smile at them, but we still make a difference! We are valuable! We are worthy! We are important!

Please don't forget that. Whoever reads this, I don't know you, and I don't know your struggles. But I do know that you're human just like me. We all hurt, we all dream, we all cry, and we all bleed. We're all tied together by the paths we have to walk, though none of them are ever the same.

And I know that you deserve to be loved. You don't have to believe it for it to be true.

Love is unconditional. There aren't strings attached and anyone who says so is wrong. We don't love because we should, we don't love because someone tells us to, we don't love because it makes us a good person.

We love because we want to.

And whoever you are, wherever you are in the world, whatever it is that you're going through, I want you to feel loved. And I want you to be happy.

So please, smile for a minute if you can, and let yourself be happy. Even if it only lasts a day, or an hour, or even not that long. You deserve that much. And more.

Inside we are all beautiful. We are all limitless creatures filled with endless potential, for good, for evil, for whatever we want. Our dreams might feel out of reach but they aren't. They're there, they're achievable, even if for now we can only live them in our sleep.

I think we can all do great things and be someone else's light.

And if we all strive for that, think about how beautiful the world could be.

Think about how beautiful we could make someone else's world.

And then realize that that's what you're already doing.

I wish anyone and everyone who reads this the best day ever! I hope I maybe managed to bring a smile to your face or helped you shed a happy tear. Or if I only gave you a glimpse of hope, then that's enough for me. I don't think I ever say the right thing, but I'm certainly trying! And I sincerely wish that my efforts here help you.

Thanks for reading! You're amazing! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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