Beautiful Moments

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"Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder." -Unknown

Earlier today, I was out walking. I had places to be and things I needed to do, but it was a gorgeous overcast day and I was all alone with no one to see or judge me, so I took a moment to dance and spin around and simply enjoy being alive.

That was a beautiful moment.

Not all days are going to be beautiful. Some are ugly and filled with despair. In the past month alone, I've cried more times than I care to count. But I've also smiled more than that.

You don't have to have a great, or even good, day everyday. It's alright to cry and give up sometimes. It's okay to admit that you don't know what you're doing, that you're just so tired of living, that you wish someone would help you or take away this burden.

I've been there.

We've all been there.

There's nothing to be ashamed about when you're struggling. Maybe it's something stupid. Maybe you're actually embarrassed about it. That doesn't make it any less important, or any less valid. If it's hard for you, it's hard for you. That's all that matters, and no one else has the right to tell you that your problems don't matter.

They matter to you. That alone is enough to make them important.

I've lived in a pit of despair, where I felt like less than human. Less important than anyone else. Less intelligent than anyone else. Less creative than anyone else. Less valued than anyone else. Less beautiful than anyone else. Less capable than anyone else. Some days, I go back to that pit, and it's a constant struggle to stay out, and get to a point where I won't fall back in.

And to me, when I was just starting to climb out, I felt like I couldn't escape. It was too much to see the good in myself and in the world. Even now I'm not sure I'm at a point where I can comfortably say that I love myself.

And that's alright. I'm getting there, one painful step at a time.

The point isn't to expect everything of yourself right here, right now. The point is to expect improvement. If all you can do today is list one thing you're grateful for, or steer away one negative thought, that's progress. If all you can do is look back and think that today was better than yesterday, that's progress.

And enjoy the beautiful moments in life.

Maybe those are the moments you're alone and can forget all your worries for a while and do something you enjoy to. Maybe it'll be like it was for me, standing out in the middle of an open sky, inhaling the fresh air. Maybe it'll be spending time with your loved ones, laughing and talking together.

Maybe it'll be reading what I have to say here.

Whatever makes you happy, for whatever reason, even just for a second, can be your beautiful moment. Hold on to those. Maybe write them down. Share them with a friend. Tell them to your goldfish (assuming you have one. If not, a cat, dog, horse, or other beloved pet will make a suitable substitute. And if you don't have a pet, tell your couch or pillow. I'm sure those are just as beloved, right? *wink*)

If you can't find a beautiful moment, that's alright. They're still there, but it's okay if you miss them. The important thing is to make an effort to recognize the positive, and try to make today better than yesterday. Every little step gets you slightly closer to a beautiful destination.

I don't know who you are and I don't know what you're going through. I just want to share a little bit of light, to help myself and to help anyone else I can.

I want to remind you, that in your own unique way, you are strong, brave, powerful, talented, and resourceful. And you'll always matter. To someone, somewhere. I'm lucky. I've always had friends and family to support me. Not everyone has that, but I've found that little internet communities, like the ones on Wattpad, can hold some of the nicest people out there. So if you can't find someone in your physical life, maybe you can find one in your digital life. Either way, I hope you have a fantastic day, a fantastic week, and a fantastic upcoming Thanksgiving if you celebrate it.

Thank you so much for reading this! I'm excited to share what I have to say (and to have a place to pour out the little light inside of me), and I hope you enjoyed it and that maybe something will stick with you and help you out somehow.

You're fantastic! Remember that please :)

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