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Last chapterrr!!!

The ex lovers went back inside as siyeon finally told bora what happened while she was gone.

"Gahyeon.." Siyeon starts while bora was making food for everyone. "What about our maknae?" Bora asked curiously. "She's my mate" Siyeon finally told bora which made the delta widened her eyes.

"GAHYEONIE?" Bora shouted immediately covering her mouth while the younger of the two rolls her eyes.

"Yeah surprisingly she is and I just knew about it when we were searching for you" When siyeon mentioned that they were searching for her the delta's smile faded.

"Don't be guilty you're here now aren't you?" The beta tries comforting the older who manages to smile nodding her head. "Yeah" Was the only thing bora could answer.

Siyeon excused herself to meet with gahyeon which bora understood nodding her head.

The beta walks towards gahyeon's room which was shared by handong when siyeon peeked through the small gap on the door she saw her mate crying and handong comforting gahyeon.

It broke siyeon...badly. Did she see me earlier Siyeon thought before gahyeon notices siyeon who was peeking in the gap.

Siyeon immediately scattered away from the door acting like she didn't see it...which failed...very badly. "Unnie" Gahyeon's raspy voice broke siyeon more it slowly killed siyeon knowing she did that to her own mate.

Without second thought siyeon embraces gahyeon in her arms shocking the younger girl. "I'm sorry gahyeon I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" Siyeon rambled ignoring the pack that was watching how siyeon broke down in front of an ultima wolf someone who's weaker than her.

Siyeon is weak when it comes to her mate maybe that's why everyone was surprise to see the first beta the strongest after the alpha break down.

Gahyeon wraps her arms on siyeon the warmth siyeon felt on gahyeon's embrace comforted her and soon enough the beta stopped sobbing.

"Can we talk in somewhere more private?" Gahyeon offered glancing at everyone who was still stunned peeking through their rooms.

Siyeon hides her face outbof emberrasment nodding her head. Gahyeon pulls siyeon to her shared room with handong while handong got the cue and left them alone locking the door behind her.

"I'm sorry you had to see that" Siyeon apologizes once again as gahyeon sighs which worried the beta.

"Did you fake everything?" Gahyeon finally asked stsring into siyeon's yellow eyes. "I-i.." Siyeon was left speechless because it was true.

Siyeon faked being happy that she found gahyeon as her mate she faked everything not until now but still siyeon started to cherish gahyeon but it was too late because gahyeon already noticed siyeon's act towards her.

"So you did" Gahyeon bitterly answers her own question biting her lip as tears fell down her eyes once again.

Siyeon tried holding gahyeon's hand but instead got shoved away by the younger.

"I can't believe you unnie" Gahyeon's voice wavers as siyeon looks so defeated in front of gahyeon.

"at the same time I-I can't hate you" Gahyeon continues making siyeon look up to see gahyeon's glowing red eyes. Siyeon swore that she felt her heart sting it was very rare to see an ultima so triggered with negative emotions to the point their eyes glow bright red because usually they are the most calm one (Sure jan.)

Siyeon was about to speak when she suddenly felt a painful slap to her right cheek to see gahyeon looking at her with the most anguish glance siyeon could ever see.

"That's for playing with me" Gahyeon says while siyeon chuckled bitterly. "I do deserve that" Siyeon answered touching her cheek that was slapped it left a mark which gahyeon immediately carrased touching siyeon's hands.

Gahyeon then leans in kissing siyeon's lips before pulling away. "And that's for telling me the truth".


Bora smiled proudly seeing that siyeon and gahyeon were finally okay with each other.

Distracted by her own thoughts the delta didn't notice that minji was already in front of her.

When a hand was placed on bora's shoulder the younger of the two jolted. "Sorry" Minji says smiling sheepishly.

"You scared the shit out of me" Bora says dramatically lifting her chest like she was having a heart attack.

"Stop being so dramatic by the way you have a visitor" Minji informs her friend as bora furrowed her eyebrows walking towards the front door curiously.

When bora opened it she saw you and soyeon. You smiled nervously as soyeon winks at bora.

"I swear to god soyeon forced me here I told you I-" Bora cuts you off pulling you inside with soyeon following from behind.

"What made you go back here? This time with your first beta?" Bora asked you curiously while soyeon answers it for you.

"My alpha misses you already" Soyeon says wiggling her eyebrows while you blushed harshly looking away bora coughs surprise by the sudden confession.

Soyeon wasn't lying though you already missed seeing your mate. "Ah join us for lunch then?" Minji asked in such a friendly tone it shocked the three of you mainly bora, you, and siyeon.

Bora was about to tease minji but yoohyeon calls minji from her room making bora sigh in defeat. You laughed patting bora's head making her look at you in the most cutest way possible.

"I'll finish making the food please have a sit" Bora offers you and soyeon the couch as you both nodded sitting on the unexpectedly comfortable sofa.

Faint moans were heard from just across bora's room which made you blush looking at soyeon for help.

Soyeon laughs shaking her head. "Not like something you've never heard before" Soyeon shrugs it off smiling at you.

"Yah!! Lee siyeon Lee gahyeon quiet down will you?!?! we have guest" An omega shouts entering the back door. She If that's the right term.

The faint moans stopped as you sighed in relief when bora finally went back to the living room with the food.

"Shall we eat?"

~The end

{So gahyeon x reader is next I haven't written anything like it before sooo Look forward to it and please tell me if you don't like it.

I hope everyone enjoyed reading this Characters will be shortly published

Thank you for reading!!}

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