Chapter 5

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    Tommy looked around. Nobody was anywhere near him. Tommy felt so awful and sick, he just wanted to curl up into a ball and never talk to anyone ever again. 
    He decided he couldn’t face any of his family or friends. “What will they think of me if they saw me like this?” Tommy said to himself.
    Tommy gathered all the energy he could and walked into the deep forest. If he went somewhere nobody knew, then nobody could find and bother him. He walked for what felt like forever before coming to a small cave with a small pound at the opening. It was perfect. Tommy sat down and looked at himself in the reflection of the water.
    Tommy’s fluffy hair had gone flat and his already pale skin was even paler. His eyes were tired and worry filled as if his brain never did and never would take a break from running. Tommy just closed his eyes and let time pass as he sat in physical and mental pain. He wished he had someone unbiased to talk to.
    As 1 pm hit Tommy got his first message on his communicator. 

Wilby: It goes up tonight, be ready! Tonight we make history! Meet me in PogTopia by 3 and we will set up the TNT.

    Tommy glanced at the message and let the screen go dark. He didn’t want to move or have the willpower to answer Wilbur’s message. Not long after, he got his second.

Big Law: I think Will is gonna blow it up tonight! Meet me on the outskirts of Manburg at 3 and we can get Schlatts help!

    Tommy ignored that message too. Why answer? What was the point? Tommy started to get separate messages from everyone. All he did was glance at it and then close his eyes.

Dadza: Tommy! We need to talk. Meet me at 3.

Potato Pig: Tommy, I need your help getting some more wither skulls. Meet at 3?

    At 3 Tommy got even more messages.

Dadza: Tommy! Where are you? I said 3.

Wilby: Tommy, I said 3. Do you know how time works?
Big Law: Come on big man, I’m waiting for you!

Potato Pig: Tommy, these withers won’t spawn themselves.

    Tommy continued to sit there, but the more messages he got the more his chest would hurt from the anxiety of not knowing what was happening and that everyone needed him. He needed to get away, away from the messages and constant reminders of the problems that pulled at his brain and heart. The ones that made Tommy sick to his stomach. 
    Tommy got up and started to walk through the forest leaving his communicator sitting next to the pond. He wasn’t sure where he was walking, he just hoped that it was away. As he walked he tried to think about anything but the stabbing pain that was near his abdomen. He walked until the oak trees turned to dark oak. Tommy’s mind began to think back to a memory he didn’t realize he had.
    “Will! Race you up the tree!” Techno yelled as he pulled himself up using a branch. Will quickly followed suit and was close behind Techno. 
    “Will! Techno! I can’t reach the branch!” Tommy yelled to his brothers. Being the younger brother also meant he was the shortest brother, at least for now. 
    “Then go do something else. Ha I win!” Techno shouted.
    “No fair! You got a head start!” Will yelled back.
    “I wanna be included.” Tommy pouted. Will and Techno ignored him and continued to argue. Tommy was being mad at his older brothers when he heard a noise coming from deeper in the woods. Bored and curious, Tommy started to walk into the forest looking for what was making the sound. 
    Tommy was 50 steps into the deep part of the forest when he saw a box. Inside the box there looked to be a small boy with brown hair who was lightly singing to himself. Tommy walked over to the boy in the box.
    “Hello?” Tommy said nervously.
    The boy stopped singing. He looked to be the same age as Tommy, if not a little bit older. “Hi!”
    “Why are you in that box?”
    “I’m not sure.”
    “Where is your family?”
    “I’m not sure.”
    “Do you have a family?”
    “I’m not sure.”
   “Are you sure of anything?”
   “Not really.”
   “Ok then… Well my name is Tommy, what’s your name?”
   “I’m Tubbo!”
   Suddenly Tommy could hear Wilbur’s voice echoing through the forest. “Tommy! Where are you!”
   “Over here!” Tommy shouted.
   Wilbur and Techno soon came into view. “Oh my god! Tommy never runs off like that ever again! We were so worried!” Techno exclaimed.
   “Who’s this?” Will asked, pointing to Tubbo.
   “This is my new best friend Tubbo!” Tommy explained. Tubbo stood up and smiled at Techno and Will.
   “Do you have a home?” Wilbur asked.
   “Not really… But I have this box!” Tubbo said happily, pointing to the box. 
   “Why don't you come home with us. We can ask Dadza if you could stay with us. Would you like that?”
   Tubbo’s eyes got big. “Really? You would let me stay with you!” 
   “Of course!” From above Philza landed on the ground in front of the boys. “My name is Philza. It’s nice to meet you Tubbo. I would be honored if you were to stay with us.”
   “Thank you so much!” Tubbo said.
   “Welcome to the family Tubbzo!” Tommy said, hugging the small boy.
   Tommy kept walking, tears in his eyes. Such easier times. He missed it. So simple and happy. Why did he ever have to get older. 

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