sbi • dream [] wings (pt. 2)

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wc: 3533
hey you, see that star button again? i think you wanna press it

"Ey, call me topical." Tommy shrugged as Wilbur buried his face in his palm.

"That—what? You literally just praised the queen for the fifth time today, how is that topical in any way?" Wilbur said rather more confused than displeased.

"Well, depends on which queen he's talking about," you remarked, taking a slow sip from your green tea.

"Thee queen, of course—who else?!" Tommy exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air.

"That didn't clarify anything, Tommy..." sighed Wilbur.

"He's lost it." You shook your head jokingly, for Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, matriarch of the British Royal Family, was not canon in this universe.

The front door creaked loudly as a fourth party entered Tommy's home. You, then Tommy, then Wilbur all turned your attention to the entrance in an animated manner.

"Hey, Phil." Wilbur was the first to greet him.

"Hey guys, is Tubbo in 'ere? I wanted to get back the shovel I lent him," said Phil. He surveyed the unorganized living room where several red and white t-shirts littered the floor and furniture around you.

Displeased, Tommy furrowed his brows, knowing damn well Phil was judging his cluttered living habits.

"No, it's just us," you answered, "but he's probably back at the treehouse. Want me to grab him?"

"If you don't mind, that'd be great." Philza smiled.

"Sure thing." You briefly exchanged goodbyes with your brothers and gently closed the door upon your exit.

Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno were not related to you nor Tubbo by blood, and despite the two of you being the same species as Phil, neither was he. Phil just happened to take you all under his wing, and you were eternally grateful.

You and Tubbo practically grew up alone with no one else except each other—that is until Phil came along when you were both eight years old. It's a surprise you made it that far.

The family Phil created by being so considerate as to take you all under his care was the only one you'd ever love, for your biological parents were nothing but complete and utter strangers.

Now that I think of it, I didn't even see Tubbo this morning. You thought as you instinctively opened your wings—or wing—for take off, only to be mocked by your forgetfulness.

Oh right... I can't fly.

You let out a despondent sigh and began up the beaten path Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy normally took.

Ever since the incident three months ago, you still haven't adjusted to traveling by foot. The spot where your left wing once stood was replaced by a short stub. Phil was right about it growing back.

Though you had to admit, traveling by foot allowed you to appreciate the nature and its surroundings more. You began to study the different species of wildlife that resided in the valley, especially the birds.

It was a new, interesting perspective.

A few moments passed and you notice something off as the treehouse comes into view.

The front door is wide open.

"That's odd," you muttered under your breath and jogged to the entrance, curious of the cause.

Passing under the askew, wooden doorframe, you call out, "Tubbo?"

Your voice resonates against the thick walls of the tree trunk only to receive silence in response. "Tubbo, are you home?" you try again.

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