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"Bobby how could you do this to us? Are you really this selfish?"

"How could you be so blind Maura? You should have known this was coming!"

"How could I have known that my own husband was going to fucking cheat on me with some hooker from work?"

I sat helplessly in the room with my back against the door, knees pulled to my chest and my head in my hands. I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face as I was forced to listen to my parents arguing again.

And this was the worst of their arguments yet. A small voice in the back of my head told me that this time would be the last that I would have to suffer through this because my mother was done. Done with the waiting up. Done with the cheating. Done with the lies.

This was the night that would end my parents' marriage.

When they divorce, things are only going to go downhill from here. Dad will leave, mom will get a job, I will be alone. I don't think I'll be able to take it, let alone my mom.

"Just get out! I can't even stand to look at you anymore." Her voice shook with so much emotion, it took all of the strength in me not to run out and attack my own father right then and there for hurting my mom. I stayed put, silently praying that dad would just hurry up and leave already so I could go comfort my hurting mother.

A few moments later I heard the front door slam followed by a loud bang that caused me to run out if my room immediately.

There in the middle of the living room, is my mom crying and clutching one of her soon-to-be ex-husband's old sweaters to her chest.

I didn't know what to do, nothing I said to her would help at all right now. So, I simply walked over and sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her carefully, almost as if she were fragile merchandise that would shatter if I gripped too hard.

I allowed my mother to cry onto my chest as I gently stroke her hair and tried to tell her everything would be okay even though I didn't believe it myself.

I knew nothing would be okay.

From now on, our lives would only fall apart piece by piece.

Mom told me she was going to head to bed and as much as I didn't want to leave her alone, she insisted on staying in her room without me. Not wanting to argue with her, I quietly made my way up yo my own room and pulled out my guitar. My only friend.

The stings steadily vibrated beneath my fingertips and I instantly felt at ease despite the events that had occurred only a few minutes ago.

Only then did I stop thinking about All of the negative and focused on the positives:

No more fights.

No more yelling.

No more throwing.

No more lying.

No more cheating.

And just for a moment, I thought that maybe their divorce wouldn't be such a bad thing. Of course, there's no denying the pain that would come all throughout the process and for a little while afterward, but things could only improve after this. There has to be something good that's waiting on the other side if this storm.

It's just like they say:

Everything happens for a reason. Right?


Hello! So, I'm T (aka NarryCrotchGrabs) and this is the prologue to this bomb ass fanfic that I'm writing with my girl Becky XD hope you all enjoy it. Xx -T

Btw it is a Narry StudentxTeacher AU just in case you didn't catch that xp

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