First day back

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   *beep beep* I groan and roll over in bed and turn of the alarm on my phone reluctingly getting out of bed. My mom told me I have to go to school and not to worry about her while I'm there which is hard.

  I didn't want to leave her alone but I'm not going to argue with her and make everything worse so I take a quick shower and put on some blue jeans a gray t-shirt and a black hoodie before making my way downstairs.

  I see my mom at the stove making breakfast. "Hello mom"  I hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek before taking a seat at the table.

  She's been trying her best to forget about my dad. I'm glad that she finally came out of the room after staying in there for the past few weeks and me begging her to come out.

  "Hey honey, want me to drop you off at school or are you going to take the bus?" She sets down a plate of bacon on the table. I grab one and bite it.

   "I'm going to walk today I don't really feel like taking the bus and you should rest" I eat the rest of my breakfast then grab my backpack from the closet.

  "See you later mom I love you" I walk out. I take my usual route to school away from the streets where people would see me.

   I'm a loner at school I don't like to talk to anyone and people don't like to talk to me.

   Its a mutual relationship. I plug my earphones in my ears and press shuffle. It takes me ten minutes to get to school walking at my usual pace.

  I haven't been here for weeks due to my parents divorce I didn't think I'll be able to focus on school so I stayed home. As I walked through the double doors of the school the halls went completely silent.

   I kept my head down as I walk to my locker ignoring the silent whispers and murmers. I knew they were talking about me but I decided not to confront them.

  I get to my locker and see that someone has spray painted "Loser, geek, weird, loner, crazy" and other words all over it. I take a deep breath then released it then opened my locker and grab my books for class.

  Things like this is normal for me I'm used to being bullied so I just shrug it off. I head to my first class which is my favorite one: band with my favorite teacher Mr. Styles aka Harry.

  When I walk in he's writing down the today's agenda. "Hello harry" I speak up which makes him turns around he doesn't like students calling him Mr. Styles because it makes him feel old so we call him by his first name.

   "hello niall! How are you I've been worried about you.. You missed two weeks of school is everything ok?" He walks over to me.

  I shake my head "I'm sorry my parents fought again and this time they decided it was enough so my dad left... Me and my mom has been trying to adapt to life without it and its been hard" I admit tearing up at the thought.

    "I'm so sorry to hear about that.. Your dad is wrong for leaving you and your mom I'm here if you ever need me" he hugs me.

  I smile for a second then frown "thank you... Its just hard you know? And I get here to see someone spray painted my locker and whispering rumors about me"

  "Ignore them your much better than that and whatever they're saying is a lie so don't listen" he pat my back before walking back to the board as students file into the classroom.

  He turns and gives me a cheeky smile and a thumbs up which makes me smile again. Harry is really a good teacher he's always here for me.

  I talk to him a lot about what's going on in my life and he listens and helps out as much as he can. I watch as he continues to write on the board.

  He's also a very attractive teacher I must admit he's tall with curly hair, the greenest eyes I've ever seen, and this adorable dimple when he smiles is to die for.

  I shake the thought out of my head as students begin to file in one by one. well this is going to be an interesting school year.
  Hey guys its Becky aka (maliksbae96) sorry I didn't get to update sooner I've been really busy with school and homework so yeah I'm so happy to be writing this bombass story with my girl T hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do ~Becky



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