Chapter one

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HI!! I'm Cyan and this is how I fell in love with Black :)

Last week we were told there were imposters on the skeld. Not gonna lie I was scared but now that it's been a week no one has really said or done anything out of the regular so I think boss just said that to prepare us for if it really happens. Now I'm working on wires in electrical with Black. He is pretty chill from what I can tell. He is really quiet around others and likes to stay in the back, I think it has something to do with past trauma but who knows.

"So what do you identify as?" His husky deep voice broke me out of my trance. If you ask me, his voice is like inhumanly sexy.

"Oh! Um.. female" i answered. "You?"


"Oh cool so you like have a dick and stuff?"

"Yeah last time I checked" does that mean he jerked off or just took a shower and looked down.. I don't wanna even ask.

Before I could ask him a question, White walked in.

"Hey you guys are taking pretty long in here. Are you fucking or something" why does he always have to make jokes like that. I can tell Black doesn't like him by the way he looks at White.

"Well then why don't you do it. I'm hungry so I'm gonna eat while you that." I said while getting up off the floor and heading to the cafeteria. I grabbed me a sandwich and started eating. And when I tell you that was some good stuff I mean it was so good. But I also haven't eaten today so that could be why.

I just finished eating my delicious goodness when Pink sat beside me. Pink is a girl if the boobs on her chest were anything to go by. It doesn't help that she doesn't zip her suit up all the way so they are basically out for everyone to see.

"Hey has anyone told you that you look like a pig when you eat because you do" she said. She is also one of those girls that talk really high pitched when around guys and occasionally talk like a baby. If you know you know.

"Has anyone told you that your voice is so annoying that I ,along with everyone else, wants get ejected" it wasn't the best comeback but I was tired and ready to sleep.

It was effective enough that she scoffed and walked away. As soon as she did though I heard a horn. Not just any horn though, a body has been reported... and it was White.

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