A Letter (Lams)

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So this is Lams.

The adoration in ANTHONY RAMOS'S eyes in The Story of Tonight.

Meanwhile, I wrote this in class at lunchtime.
We are going into math now the principal is staring in the door like wtf miss.

But anyways.



"Hey Martha? What do you have?" John walked towards his wife, who stood by the front door, still in her hat from getting the mail.

"You've got a letter here from Harlem New York."

John smiled. "Oh, that's from Lex Hamilton. I'll read it later."

"Eh..." she looked down at the letter. "No, Its not from Alex."

John looked up from walking away.

"It's from his wife."

"Eliza? Why is she...?"
John turned around as Martha opened it quietly.

"Will you read it Em?"

(Now you have a idea what I'm getting at😓)

"Of course..." Martha unfolded the piece of paper. She took a second, and looked it over in her head first.

John grew nervous as she grew paler and paler.
"Martha, are you okay?"

"On October 18th, a day after the end of the Battle of Yorktown, my husband was killed in a coup by British soldiers.
Neither of the sides had been notified of the British surrender.

John, I would appreciate if you would please make your way upstate with your family, Alex's funeral will be held in a few days time.
He also has left you several items in his will."

John froze.

No way Alex was actually dead.
This was another prank.

"There are some things I would like to talk with you about as well.

Eliza H."

John felt like the air around him was pressing in on him as he slowly approached Martha and grabbed the letter to read for himself.

Absolutely nothing was changed from the words his wife had just read except the tear drops warping the parchment on various places.

John Laurens felt his world collapse under him in that second of realization.

He just clutched the letter.

"John, are you alright?" Martha asked quietly.

John sighed and tucked the letter into his coat, next to his heart.

"I have so much work to do..."

Short and oof.
Hi guys! This is my first Lams, the only real ship Alexander Hamilton was in.

Hot as it is, Jamilton isn't real.

👉 👈
Anyways, hope this wasnt so oof that it was painful, it was just a little UA to make us sad.

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