Chapters 72 - 76

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Chapter 72

“Pull! Pull! Pull!” Leopold was covered in a mixture of sand and sweat. There was no doubt Jordan would require another bath of him very soon. Those around him including Jerrick, Argo, Lierna and a handful of other faces he did not recognize strained against the levers that held the gates open.

“It’s—it’s not budging,” Lierna said. Her face was as bright red as her hair as she strained yet again against the wooden beam.

“It will work,” Leopold said, “I checked the chains and pulleys myself a dozen times. We just have to get it moving. Rust has caused the leverage system to a stand still but with enough force, we can get it moving again. We need to pull as one body, not as individuals.”

Understanding struck those around him. Leopold could see they were catching on. “Let’s pause and try this all together,” Jerrick said arching his back and stretching tight muscles. All those around him nodded.

“Everyone get a firm grip on the wheel and handles,” Leopold instructed as he worked his small frame between Jerrick and Argo. If this was going to work they would need every ounce of strength. Even what little help his own muscles could provide could mean the difference.

Leopold waited for the others to gain their grip. The wood was solid under his grasp, the large wooden beam itself all but daring Leopold to try and move it. “You are not going to be the reason we fail today.” Leopold said out loud to the piece of wood. “You will not be our undoing.”

Those still unfamiliar with the small inventor exchanged puzzled looks. “Sorry, he does that from time to time,” Jerrick said looking at his friend. “Leopold are we ready?”

Leopold flinched at the sound of his name. His intense stare at the obstacle before him broke as he looked at those around him. Men and women huddled together in the small room housing the gate controls. “Yes, as one. A quick jerk over and over again until it starts moving. Don’t stop. Ready? As one!”

Muscles around him bulged. Grunts and gasps escaped out of clenched teeth. Arms quivered and legs fought to find footing on the smooth gatehouse surface. Leopold could feel heat rising to his face. There was no doubt everyone was putting one hundred percent behind the effort, yet the wooden beam still refused to rotate. “Again, as one!” Leopold yelled.

Again the group strained. Over and over again they threw every ounce of their strength behind the wooden beam in an effort to save their new found city. Nothing was happening but those trying to close the gate refused to give in to defeat. Perspiration was forming across the group. Leopold could feel his arms begin to shake against the exertion released from his struggling muscles. “Don’t give in!” He said again. “It’s either we fail or we move this gate!”

As the words escaped his lips, Leopold thought he felt a budge. Too small a movement to be sure, he put off celebration until the next jerk on the wooden beam. There it was again. The slightest give accompanied now by a screech of rusty chains. The gates were closing.

Everyone in the room was beginning to realize they were succeeding. Fear and doubt had moments ago been alive amongst the group. Joy and hope were beginning to turn the tide of battle.

“As one!” Leopold said. The wheel moved a full foot this time. Their fight was far from over, still the end was within grasp.

Chapter 73

Now the roles were reversed. Jordan found herself holding Rhun back as Ward rushed to a position just outside the gates. Rhun didn’t give her a second glance. His eyes were fixated on his friend as Ward drove his shield into the desert sand and crouched behind the cover it provided. “He knows what he’s doing,” Jordan yelled into Rhun’s ear. “We have to get the gates closed or else we have all failed.”

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