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I sat down onto a hard bench and looked out at the view. The sun was high in the sky and silhouettes of birds flew above our heads. Hundreds of people roamed the place. Families gazing at maps, children begging their parents to take them on another ride, couples laying on the grass. The hot aroma from the hot dog carts filled my nostrils and warmed my insides. It wasn't a hot day, for here at least. It was only 71 degrees. The sound of screams, cries and rattling of rides was deafening.

This was the place Alfie and I had arranged to meet. He wasn't here. He was five minutes late. Usually he was punctual.

After I waited another fifteen minutes, I decided that Alfie wasn't going to show up. I sighed loudly and brought myself to my feet again. I trudged through the park mindlessly stuck in my thoughts. Suddenly I tripped and my feet went from under me. My shirt was wet and my shins were sore.

I peered around for what I had fallen over. A girl around my age was on the ground beside me. She seemed to be alone.

"Did I trip you up?" I asked, getting to my feet and helping the girl up too.

"No, I think I tripped you up. I'm so clumsy. Sorry." Her accent wasn't American. English, I thick. She was apologetic too.

"It's fine. I'm certain it was my fault." I smiled.

She saw my shirt. "Oh my gosh, my drink went everywhere. Can I buy you a new shirt?"

"Can I buy you dinner?"

Smooth Harry.

I was shocked. Usually I was too shy to ask a girl for they're number, let alone dinner.


I should do that more often.

DianaWhere stories live. Discover now