Chapter 9

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Mina POV

"Baby, why don't you tell me you are sick? If I didn't go to you office, I won't know you are sick. I heard Chaeyoung say to Yuna." Jeongyeon said worried.

"I'm sorry baby. Yesterday, I woke up I already at hospital. I my mom keep my phone because she wants me to rest." I said.

"Who bring you to hospital? I thought you didn't come yesterday because you have meeting and you didn't text me because you're busy. You know how worried me heard you getting sick." He add.

"Its Chaeyoung and aunty sunny. Don't worry baby. I'm okay. Just a fever. Did you having lunch already? If not, you can finish this. I'm already full." I said.

"No, I'm not eating yet. Can I? I really hungry." Jeongyeon said.

He eat finished the food. He also didn't go back to office. He said he miss me. I feel guilty because I didn't tell him and forget about him. So, we spend time together. We play games and watch some movie that Chaeyoung bring yesterday. Jeongyeon's presence made me forget about Chaeyoung. That's the right thing. Jeongyeon its my boyfriend. I shouldn't think about Chaeyoung. Its almost dinner time. Jeongyeon asked if I want to order something to eat or I just want to eat hospital food. No no no. I really hate hospital food. So, I told him to order a food. Then, a I heard a knock. We thought its delivery man, but we're surprised because its Chaeyoung with my mom came to visit me.

"Oh, Hello. Didn't know you have visitor. Its you Mina friend? My mom asked.

"Hello mam, I'm Jeongyeon. I, Miss Mina and Mr.Chaeyoung are colleague. I just heard about Miss Mina this morning. So, I just came to visit." Jeongyeon said.

"Its great, there's a lot of food here. Let's join us. Mina dont't like hospital food. That's why we bring a lot." Mom said to Jeongyeon.

Then food we order arrived. We just laugh. We told we also order food because I was hungry. I thought no one will come to send a food. That's why we order the food. 

"Oh, didn't Sunny told you I will come? Maybe she's forget. But its okay. We can finish it all. I bring your favourite honey." Mom said.

I was overwhelmed with joy hearing mom said. I excitedly look at the food. It is my favourite. Full box of sushi, tamagoyaki with a lot of ketchup, miso soup and manju. It is a lot. Chaeyoung just smile seeing my reaction. I smile look a him.

"Let's eat. Because I think I heard a lion roar in Mina stomach already aunty." Chaeyoung joked.

"Haha, very funny. If you didn't come late, this lion will not wake. Its your fault." I replied.

We start eat dinner. Mom asked Jeongyeon about him. Jeongyeon told mom about himself.  He told mom he's an orphans. He don't know either his parent still alive or not. He told where he live, what he do before getting work at dad company and so on. I look at Chaeyoung, he just stay silent and eat without look at me. He not cheerfull as he use. I wonder why. Then Jeongyeon excuse himself to going back.

Chaeyoung POV

"Just leave it here aunty. I will clean it up. Just sit there with Mina." I said.

"Aish, how many time I asked you to call me mom. But, you already cook the dinner. You even don't want me to help you before. You must tired. Straight back from work then prepare dinner. You must be tired. Let me help clean it up. Just go home and rest. Let me stay tonight." Mrs.Myoui said.

"Its okay aunt.... mom. I will clean it up. Then, I send you home. I will just take a shower then came here later. I'm not tired doing this. Besides, I'm happy by doing this." I said.

"You such a stubborn person same as Mina. If you say so. Thank you Chaeyoung. I know how hard you try to take Mina's heart and make she comfortable. Thank you not give up and thank you for taking care for her. Even she didn't notice now, but I surely she will notice how good is you." Mrs.Myoui said.

"Its my responsibility mom. Don't need to thanking me. I just doing what I should do. Besides, I always want the best for her. So, don't worry. I will taking care of her even if you didn't told me to do it." I sincerely said.

Mina POV

"Take care baby. Rest well. So, you can get well soon and go to work. I miss seeing you at office." Jeongyeon cutely said.

"I will baby. I already bored stay here. You also take care going home. I miss you too." I said and peck his lips.

"Now, go. I will go to my room. Love you baby." I said.

After sending Jeongyeon. I going back to my room. I heard mom and Chaeyoung talking.

"Just leave it here aunty. I will clean it up. Just sit there with Mina." Chaeyoung said.

"Aish, how many time I asked you to call me mom. But, you already cook the dinner. You even don't want me to help you before. You must tired. Straight back from work then prepare dinner. You must be tired. Let me help clean it up. Just go home and rest. Let me stay tonight." Mrs.Myoui said.

"Its okay aunt.... mom. I will clean it up. Then, I send you home. I just take a shower then came here later. I'm not tired doing this. Besides, I'm happy by doing this." He said.

"You such a stubborn person same as Mina. If you say so. Thank you Chaeyoung. I know how hard you try to take Mina's heart and make she comfortable. Thank you not give up and thank you for taking care for her. Even she didn't notice know, but I surely she will notice how good is you." Mom said.

"Its my responsibility mom. Don't need to thanking me. I just doing what I should do. Besides, I always want the best for her. So, don't worry. I will taking care of her even if you didn't told me to do it." Chaeyoung sincerely said.

He is a good person. Now, I felt guilty. I think I should start being good to him also. Maybe being friend with him is not a bad idea.

A few week after, as usual Chaeyoung make a breakfast for me. But now I started eat what he make it and eat together with him. Its no t bad being nice to him. We also going to office together.

No one POV

Lately, Mina and Chaeyoung are getting well. They always come to office together. At first the employee weird as Mina treat Chaeyoung nice and came with Chaeyoung. Because they know how they usually act like a tom and jerry relationship. But now, them seem nice together. There's gossip in office that saying them being together as in a special relationship. Jeongyeon also notice how Mina became soft with Chaeyoung. He feel jealous and insure seeing them like that.

Jeongyeon asked Mina if she and Chaeyoung in a good term. Mina told him about being friend with Chaeyoung. She realise Chaeyoung is a nice person.

"Actually, he's not bad. So, I decide to being friend with him. Besides, he know I have a boyfriend. Just he don't know who its you actually my boyfriend. He also respect my privacy. So, I think being a friend with him is a good situation for me. I live with him. If I get along with him, I can live in peace. There's no more stress." Mina explain to Jeongyeon.

"Whatever you say baby. As long as you don't fall in love with him." Jeongyeon replied.

"Don't worry baby. I won't. I get an idea. Why don't you make a friend with him to. If you get along with him, you got his trust. You got his trust, you also gain trust from my parents." Mina said.

Jeongyeon stay silent. Just nodded. Jeongyeon also thought same as Mina. He actually planning to do so. He believe Chaeyoung the key to get Mina's parent trust.

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