Chapter 54

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Chaeyoung POV

Two days after meeting Mina, I just stay at my room. I doesn't eat, bath, seeing people or do anything. I just stay close to my window. I don't know what to do. I'm hurt. I'm angry and mad. I miss her. I miss my wife. I miss my princess. I can't believe she doesn't want me anymore. Like I say, half of me wants to give up. But, I just can't. I wish I'm the one of her happiness. But, its seem I was the one who hurting her. I hear my knock at my door. I lazily go downstair and open the door. I shocked seeing my parent standing in front of my door.

"What are you doing here?" I said shocked.

My mom just hug me tight. Truth is, I miss my mom. She always called me but I didn't answer. She always text me telling she always believe me, miss me and love me. But, again. I didn't reply.

"I miss you honey. I miss you so much. I'm sorry. I should persuade you dad sooner. I should do my part harder. I should stand by your side. I'm sorry." My mom said.

I hug her back. "Its okay mom. I'm okay." I said plain.

I look at my dad. I can see his eyes show a guilty, sad and love? I don't know anymore. Right now, I just don't care anymore. He come close to me and hold my shoulder.

"Yesterday, your friend come and see me. They had explain everything to me. I'm sorry son. I should believe you. I-I just being stubborn and idiot. I-I'm so sorry son. Please forgive me." He said and nearly knee on me.

But I quickly hold him. I'm hurt but not heartless. I can't bear to see my dad like this.

"No dad. You don't do anything wrong. I'm sorry. I should defend harder and prove myself harder to you. I'm sorry for being hopeless. I'm sorry for being coward. I'm sorry for being rude to both of you. I'm sorry." I said hugging both of them. I hurt, but I missing them. I miss my parent. They the one I have now. Now, they present make me stronger.

"No son. We're sorry. We should know you better. But, we doubt you." My dad said.

I let them went inside. "I will make sure the person pay for what he done to you son. Do you know who's behind all of this? Let me help you son. I want to repay what I'm done to you. You deserve better than this Chaeyoung." My dad said.

"Its okay dad. Thank you for trusting me now. I and my friend already doing the rest. We just waiting the right timing. Just, help me out with Myoui. I know he will do something toward them. They don't believe me. But they believe you dad." I said.

"How about you and Mina honey? Did she let you to explain?" My mom asked.

I just can smile to my mom question. I walk my office and them follow behind me. I take a paper on my table and went back to living room. I show them the paper. They have a shocked and sympathy on their face. I can see them a bit sad reading the paper.

"What should I do mom? Dad? I don't want to lose her. But, I can't let myself keep hurting her. She's don't want me anymore. She don't want to see me. She doesn't even let me explain." I said tearing up. I let my emotion show to my parent. They know me better.

"I'm sorry honey. Have faith Chaeyoung. If she really meant for you, she will be around. Just follow you heart honey. I'm here for you. Remember that." My mom said hug me.

"Do you want me to talk to them?" My dad asked.

"No dad. Just let it be. Just let them hate me than destroy your friendship. I need that friendship to protect them." I said.

Dad and mom just nodded. I'm happy right now because I have my parent and my friend with me. Even Mina not being with me, I will protect her with all cost. Even I sacrifice myself.

Jeongyeon POV

"Now, we can proceed with our plan." I said to someone in the phone.

"You look happy. What's up?" My friend Felix asked.

"I finally have my revenge. To all those people. Hahah. Now, Mina is mine." I said proudly.

"Don't you think you go far from you suppose to do? You revenge just Son family. Now, you get Mina involved in you revenge. Sorry to said, you best friend also get include on your revenge. I just remember how you promise to protected Nayeon and Mina from those people. Now, you're the one hurting them." Felix said.

"You know nothing Felix. They all wants to leave me like my parent do. They told me they love me but in the end they leave me." I said angrily to he.

"Woah, cool man. I just remind you. After you doing this, there's no turning back. Up to you man. I won't lose anything. Beside I'm the one got all the benefit." He said again.

Yes, Felix is one of my friend in this illegal activities. But, he one of my trusted person. He the one get me in to this activities. But, he also the one always told me to stop doing something bad. He got the pro and cons personality. Hearing what he said make me think, I'm I doing a right thing. But, I just want to protect myself. Now, he make me have a second thought. Argh! I don't care. Tonight I just want to celebrate my success.   


"Jeongyeon. I really have to thank you for your had work. Thank you for helping my company. This is the only thing we have. And I'm sorry for before. I don't even know you but I judge you by your status. If I know you before, I must be agree to your relationship with Mina. Now, I'm really regret. I trust a wrong person." Mr.Myoui said to me.

"No, its my job and responsible to do this. Beside, I really love Mina to seeing her being sad. I will do anything to make her happy." I said.

"After Mina divorce with that traitor I will never against you and Mina to get in relation again. Please take care of her. I think you're the best choice to my daughter. And, here. I give you a full access to manage and handle my company. I think no one are more capable than you. I don't think Mina in her right mind to handle it now. So, on behalf me and Mina, you're will handle it." He said.

"Thank you Mr.Myoui. I promised you, I won't let you down." I said and smile.

End of flashback

Yes, I plan along to destroy Myoui Haruto. I just got an info, he also involved in the investigation of my father case. He's the one who told Son about my father. Along he the one who separate me and Mina. Now, I will make sure them get want they do to my family. About Nayeon and Mina, I got some plan to do with them. They also have to paid what they do to me. They promise to love me and never leave me, but they broke all the promised. I really hate when people broke their promised.

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