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The pair made their way to Taehyun's room, smiles adorned on their faces and hands in each other's.

Even if no words were exchanged, both knew that they were happy and content to be able to sort of their problems and misunderstandings.

- flashback -

"Can you wait for me until things settle down? Once things go back to normal, ask me again, tell me again. I would gladly like to answer you."

They were enveloped in silence. Joon Mee became anxious because of the lack of response.

'Gosh, was that too selfish of me? What if-'


Joon Mee snapped out from her thoughts. Looking at Yeonjun, a small smile can be seen plastered on his face.

"I'll wait for you. I'll wait for your answer." Yeonjun said.

A smile also made it's way to Joon Mee's features.

"But even so, I will still help you throught this mess. Got it?" Yeonjun said, as if making a deal.

Joon Mee chuckled then nodded.

"All right you big baby."


- flashback end -

Reaching Taehyun's room, they entered, still hand-in-hand. Upon entering, they could see their friends, smirks plastered on their faces. Joon Mee and Yeonjun had the same thought.

'Oh God. Here we go again..'

"Ohh~ What did we miss?" Beomgyu started the teasing, glancing at their interlocked hands.

'Please let us live author-nim..'

'no can do :>'

"You missed nothing." Joon Mee bluntly said while letting go of their hands.

"Yeah. We definitely didn't see your small talk and hug from the window where we could clearly see the garden." Kai sarcastically said.

"Aish, you creeps!" Yeonjun exclaimed before running after the younger male. They ran around the room like wild animals. Mind you, they are still in a hospital room.

"Yah! Guys, stop! You're like 5 year olds playing tag!" Joon Mee scolded, but they still didn't stop. That's when she went over to Soobin.

""Leader-nim, could you do something about those kids?"

"Since when was I leader?"

"Well, you're more mature than Yeonjun. They wouldn't fall for my scoldings, so please?" Oh how Joon Mee would regret saying that.

"Yeonjun would fall for you." Soobin casually teased, resulting to a red Joon Mee.

"Yah!" Joon Mee exclaimed while smacking Soobin's arm.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" Soobin chuckled before finally trying to stop the two before they could get hurt.

Joon Mee went over to Taehyun.

While all this chaos was happening, Beomgyu's phone rang. Seeing who called, Beomgyu immediately picked up the call.

"Oh mom! ... Ah, ne ... Alright, see you tomorrow ... I love you too."

Beomgyu dropped the call, after which he turned to Joon Mee.

"Joon Mee-ah!" Beomgyu called, earning the girl's attention, as well as the others'.

"My mom got the evidence we need. We're ready for the court trial." he said.

"Evidence? Court trial? What is this?"

~ c h a p t e r     e n d ~


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