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She wanted to turn back time.

She wanted to go back and tell Taehyun that she didn't want to go with them.

She wanted to go back and stay in the comfort and safety of the home.

'No... this can't be happening..'

When their eyes met, fear sunk on Joon Mee's face whilst a smirk formed on the other's.

"Oh, it's okay! Come and introduce yourself then we can start the class" Hoseok said.

"Okay!" she said, her smirk growing bigger while having her attention all on Joon Mee.

"Hello everyone! I'm Hwang Eun-bi. You can call me SinB." SinB said, still not taking her eyes off of the girl in front of her.

'You still really don't know your place, huh? Just you wait Kang Joon Mee. I'll really make you give up on this pathetic dream of yours this time.' 

Joon Mee trembled in fear. She told herself over and over again that nothing bad will happen but the smirk on SinB's face made her think otherwise.

On the other hand, Taehyun's hands formed into fists, anger taking over him.

'So you're the SinB Joon Mee told me about, the SinB that broke my sister. I won't let you do anything bad to her. Heck, I won't even let you go close to her.'

Yeonjun noticed Joon Mee shaking. He tapped her shoulder to ask if she was alright.

Joon Mee slowly turned around, revealing to Yeonjun her slightly paled face, fear written all over it.

Yeonjun was confused.

'Joon Mee was starting to get comfortable with us and the class but now she's suddenly shaking in fear, specifically after SinB arrived. Do they perhaps know each other?'

"Hey, are you okay?" Yeonjun asked with a soft voice, hoping to calm down Joon Mee.

"She-" Joon Mee started but stopped, remembering that him and the others probably don't know about her past.

"You don't have to tell me now. Tell me when you're ready." Yeonjun said after sensing her hesitating to tell him.

"Okay! Now that everyone's here, let's start!" Hoseok exclaimed.

- timeskip -

It was now their break time.

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