Chapter 7 : New friend?

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    A small teen took a long breath before speak up, "you see...the ones you hanged out during lunchtimes are the most popular kids in this school...." the blonde seem surprised looking the a small teen with big eyes. "They're hating you because you're the only one they befriended first....and you're just a new student they might think you're paying them their lunch and yea..." said the small teen taking out his bento, the blonde goes wide and also taking out his lunch too planing to eat it in this classroom.

         Alone with the small teen. "H-huh? You don't want to go to your friends? They might waiting for you to go there..." the small teen turn around to see the blonde taking out his lunch(that smol teen is sitting in front of zenzen uwu ) "o-oh...I don't think going there will be the best you mind telling more details about them?" The blonde questioned. "O-oh okay..." the small teen turn himself around along with his bento "well the kamado sibling known as the most famous, beautiful handsome, friendly sibling in this school, the two kamado are joining the cooking club...and then there are a lot of students go visit the cooking club just to look at them, some even simp for them...most of them actually." Said that the small teen start to eat his bento. The blonde did the same and listening to him.

   "Kanao...known as the kocho-sensei adopted sister but they're like related sisters, also she's this school flower(mean she's the most pretty girl but she just not friendly as nezuko so nezuko is the best girl in school) . Genya also  known as shinazugawa-sensei brother,our math teacher." "What about aoi and inosuke and murata?" The blonde pouted.

    "O-oh them...well well inosuke is actually the bad boy or what so-call a troublemaker, he's usually goes to the kocho-sensei office a lot (ms. shinobu) . But because of his face look like girl face, a lot of female sensei seem to asking him how to have a nice face like him, or even use him as model in photograph club but thanks to his body he's just wearing make up for the photo shoot and only take half-body or face ones." said while finishing his bento, the blonde already finished his.

    "Aoi actually is the daughter of  meal place next to this school. Sensei usually orders their foods. Specially kocho-sensei (both the Kocho siblings) , they seem to like that place and also taking care of aoi too.and murata...." "what's about him?" The blonde asked.

    "Oh he's the student council President since middle school, but in this first year of highschool, he isn't the president anymore." "Why?" "Because we didn't vote for the student council president yet, so there are a empty space. And look at him, he's looking like he just got released from hell." The blonde couldn't hold his laugh anymore "Hahahahahaahaha... great one...hey to be honest I usually asked you a lot of questions(zenzen usually asked him about teachers and school stuff) but didn't know your name,what's your name?" The purple eyes meet the golden one.

" I'm rui. Nice to meet you"
"Oh I'm Zenitsu agatsuma, nice to meet you too"

    The two of them smile at each other and return to their seats. Soon the bell rang. Students are coming through class one by one continue to reveal a group of students. A pair of dark red eyes met the golden honey one, as they both noticed that they're staring at each other they both feel a little heat on their face, 'such a beautiful eyes, the person itself also looking cute huh?' The red head thought and sitting in his seat, eyes are staring at the figure on his left. 'D-did he just staring at m-me? No way there are NO WAY! maybe he's looking at inosuke...' the blonde felt a heat on his face and furious about it.

    "So...zen...why didn't you come to eat lunch with us?" The redhead asked a smiled on his face still remain the same as always. "'s just I have to finish my things and got pretty late so I've decided to eat lunch here...". 'oh- *sniff* *sniff* he's lied? Better ask him' he thought "zen are you-" his word got cut off by the blonde "oh! Tanjiro how's your lunch?
hehehe..." the blonde turn his face to look at the redhead.then redhead's eyes go widen and furious what's he saw, he quickly cupped the blonde face "T-Tanjiro..?" The blonde asked. The redhead look at the blonde's face from left then right.

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