Your first date

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Jake - His ideal date would be sitting in bed eating pizza and watching every Die Hard movie whilst cuddling, he is such an introvert sometimes.

Amy - Amy would LOVE to take you on a date at an escape room. You wouldn't even be able to begin to try and solve any of the puzzles as Amy would complete it in seconds.

Gina - Gina would fight her way into the poshest restaurant in Brooklyn as Gina does NOTHING cheap. Plus she would buy you a bouquet of flowers, or even a teddy bear made of roses.

Charles - He would do ANYTHING you want, Charles is such a kissarse but you love that about him.

Terry - A fancy restaurant, however Terry would skip straight to desert, Terry LOVES his desert, especially yoghurt.

Doug - KARAOKE! He would sing the song he wrote about you, which made you blush tons.

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