Let's give it up for sistersss

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As is expected, I do not own any of those characters nor the original cartoon show. This is just a silly fan-work.
ALSO! English is not my native language so perdon me for any grammatical or semantic mistakes. I hope it's readable, at least ;)

--- 👁️👄👁️ ---

It was a warm, sunny day and Olga and DeeDee were hanging out at the park, casually chatting as the younger girl led their way.

" -and since that incident I've started training my newspaper-hurling techniques, like, as precaution." Concluded DeeDee.

"Heheh. Dope." Spoke Olga, stifling a yawn.

"By the way, are you doing fine? You seem tired today." Asked DeeDee with a note of concern, as she noted subtle eyebags under the younger girl's eyes.

"Didn't sleep well. Stupid brother and his stupid night terrors. I couldn't sleep a wink with him screeching all night long."

"Hmm" The older girl frowned "Does it still happen frequently?"

"Meh. Only when the dork's stressed."

DeeDee knew Mandark started having these night terror episodes after she accidentally destroyed his lab. Sometimes she felt kind of guilty about it but she couldn't really sympathize that much with the boy as he kept pestering her and her brother, time after time, since, like, always.

"Anyway, we're here!" Disrupted Olga, motioning towards the nearby bench "That's my usual spot, and also the best place in the whole park."

"Seems as good as any other spot to me." Replied DeeDee, as the two of them sat side by side.

"I'm telling you, that's the perfect spot! It's near to the ice cream truck as well as to the playground, but it's still far enough from the sidewalk so I can comfortably ignore any possible acquaintance that happens to pass by. It's also always shadowed from the sun so it's always chill, even when the weather is boiling..." The short girl explained, taking a small bag of grains from her backpack as half a dozen of ravens slowly emerged from the surrounding trees and bushes "And there's also these guys."

"Aww, so you come here to feed them?! That's so sweet!" Observed the blond girl as her friend tossed a handful of grains to the birds, now flocked around their bench.

"Pfft- I'm not that sweet. I'm mean! And I'm evi!¹" Protested the younger with vehemence "Ravens are territorial little death omens! I'm only feeding them to gain their trust, so they'll tear out the eyes of either foolish mortal who dares to defy my domain over The Righteous Bench!"

"Right..." DeeDee chuckled as Olga gently held out a small amount of cereal to a diminute raven that rested atop of her shoulder.

~~~ heading back home ~~~

"-have I told you about that one old Furby I found in the attic? Sometimes it speaks backwards and it starts screaming everytime Mandark walks near it. It's hilarious!" Olga was rambling excitedly. "Wanna come over and see it? You could have dinner with us!"

"That's just neat" DeeDee replied reluctantly " but I'm vegan² and eating at other people's houses can be often tricky, y'know, people are often disappointed...hehe."

"Oh, it's ok! My parents are vegan as well, remember?" Answered the other girl, blind to her friend's uneasyness.

"Hm- Erm..." DeeDee struggled for another excuse, not wanting to sound indelicate.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" She questioned.

"It's just that- I'd rather not- You see..." DeeDee glanced at Mandark's laboratory, which stood out amid their suburban neighborhood. She visibly cringed at the sight.

Olga noted the gesture, realisation dawning on her.

"It's Mandark, isn't it?"

"Yeah." The blond admitted with a defeated sigh. "I'm just... not comfortable around him."

"I see." Spoke Olga, understandingly. Mandark and his fawning really had been a stick in the ass the last time DeeDee had visited their house. "That idiotic creep" she thought testily.

"Do you want me to talk to him about it?" Offered the raven haired girl, far too eager to reprimand her brother.

"Could you actually do it?" Replied DeeDee hopefully "I mean, would he listen to you? Because, like, Dexter and I have tried to tell him off multiple times but he just keeps pestering me!" She finished with visible frustration.

"Trust me, I will make him listen." Said Olga "I promise." She added more softly. Olga would never ever admit it if asked but, deep down, she really cared for her friend, and didn't like seeing her in such distress.

"Lalavava, you're the best!" Exclaimed the blonde, embracing her friend in a thankful hug. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Answered the shorter girl stiffly. Physical demonstrations of affection weren't really her thing.

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[1] I kinda quoted MGMT's song "When you die" here. It's a pretty good song.
[2] Since DeeDee is all lovely and likes animals and stuff, I thought it would make sense if she became vegan at some point.

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