Chapter 10

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You felt your eyes widen in shock. "Q-Q-Queen?" you asked shyly. Aslan closed his eyes and nodded slightly.

"____, you are the rightful Queen of Nature in Narnia. The nymphs are your people, along with all of the magical creatures and nature that surround you." You felt a small breeze rush through your hair and reached up to find a crown made of flowers weaved through the top of your hair.

Caspian walked beside the flower nymph and bowed lower than he had before. You blushed and began to twirl around the same strand of hair, chewing on your lip nervously.

"Please..." You stepped closer to them both and touched their shoulders. You looked up at Caspian as he stood tall again. "Remember, Caspian, neither of us enjoy the formalities of being royalty." 

You saw him reach for his neck again and quickly grabbed it, pulling him in and pressing your lips to his before he could. The nymph and Aslan disappeared before you released him, blushing hard. 

"Looks like I'm not leaving Narnia, after all." You smiled as Caspian began to turn a deep red. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I suppose you are. It wouldn't be right for you to return to the world and leave your loyal subjects behind, Queen ____." He joked, smiling at you. "But it does explain quite a bit about you."

You smiled up at him as he released you and offered his arm. You took it as you began walking back to the new camp site.

"So, Caspian?" You looked up at him as you walked.

"Yes?" He asked.

"What does this mean? I mean... Now that we know who I am and that I'm not leaving, well..." You looked down at your feet as you walked beside him. "Well, what happens now? I mean, I know who I am, but I still haven't gotten a clue as to what I'm meant to do here... Or even what I'm capable of doing..." You waved your free hand over the grass beside you, and beautiful flowers began to grow as your fingers flowed over the air beside you.

Caspian smiled as he watched the flowers grow. "Don't worry," He said softly, you turned to look up at him. "We don't have any answers right now, but I'm sure we will soon. Until you decide what path to take, I shall stay by your side." He smiled, and you continued your walk in silence, arms linked together until you made it back.

"Well it's about time!" Reep called as you walked to the edge of the camp. "Do you know how worried I was getting?" You decided to try something, and felt your fingers begin to tingle as you slowly lifted it while Reep was talking. "I was just about to come looking for you!" You watched as a branch appeared beneath Reep and created a tiny lift that he was standing on. "I wasn't sure exactly which way to go so I didn't but I was about to go and get lost to make sure you were safe!" He shouted as he rose, you giggled slightly, causing Caspian to chuckle until Reep snapped his head in your direction.

"And what is so funny Lady ____?" he asked angrily. You giggled as you pointed on the ground beneath him. He looked down and saw that he was standing on a small platform made of branches that had risen to your eye level. "Oh my goodness!" He jumped up and started to rub his paws together. "How did that get there? What just happened?"

You and Caspian burst into laughter as you lifted your hand and Reep watched the green glow flow out of your hand, making a glittery trail to the branches as you slowly dropped your hand, the branches slowly returning to the ground as you did.

"Turns out the White Witch's daughter is also Queen of Nature and Nymphs." You giggled as Reep took in the information.


As Caspian began to train with some of the men, you watched. He seemed to be enjoying himself, laughing in the middle of the circle of his men. One of them jumped out and Caspian blocked his blow with ease.

"Come on! You can do better than that, surely, Daniel!" He teased the man. You smiled and pretended to look into your book whenever Caspian turned in your direction, not wanting him to know you were admiring him. Another man swung toward Caspian. He nearly was cut, but the only thing that appeared out of place was the giant slice that was now down the front of his loose shirt. You felt your face begin to turn red as you watched him throw the rest of the shirt out of his way and you admired him shirtless for the first time.

You noticed that his shoulders were larger than you had first thought. He had rather impressive pecs sitting above a perfectly sculpted set of abs. You felt seriously embarrassed for staring while he was training. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before turning toward the nearby lake. You felt a call to the water. You walked closer and looked down into the water at yourself. You immediately noticed that your hands were glowing a shade of blue that you had never seen before. So delicate, yet you could feel the tingle from the power flowing through you, you reached out above the water, closing your eyes and imagining a tiny show made of water that you had seen in a fountain outside of a museum. When you opened your eyes, you saw a similar show unfolding before you in the lake. You smiled in pride before you saw the form of a woman appearing to be made of water in front of your show and begin to dance, giggling. You assumed that this was another nymph before she curtsied before you. You gave her a slight curtsy back before she approached you. She giggled slightly as she raised her hands, bringing two streams of water above your head to gently touch the top of your flowered crown. You looked down to your reflection in the lake and saw tiny gems adorning the flowers, making them look as though they were covered in a morning dew.

You looked back up to her and thanked her. She gave you another curtsy before disappearing. You smiled and waved your hand to stop the water spouts that you had started before. You turned around to find Caspian walking behind you, a look that you had never seen before on his face. You blushed and looked down, shyly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Hi, Caspian" you smiled as you waved your hand near you, creating a rather comfortable bench, and Caspian smiled.

"Looks like you've been doing your own kind of training," he said chuckling lightly as he finished tying the shirt that he had slipped on before walking to find you. He sat beside you and you smiled.

"I have." You giggled as he admired your new jewels on your crown. "Hey, Caspian?" You leaned into the back of the bench, still sitting tall. "What else do you think I could do?" You asked quickly staring out over the water.

"Well I know one thing," he said with his hand softly touching yours between you. "I know that you'll not only figure it out, but you'll also figure out how to use your magic to help others."

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