Chapter 13

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You couldn't hide your smile as you woke up, stretching. You walked out to the balcony and realized you were singing quietly to yourself. You heard claws scratching across the floor and looked over as Reep hopped up to the railing beside you. You smiled down at him.

"Good morning, Reep."

"Good morning, Your Majesty." You rolled your eyes at him and continued humming as you watched the sun begin to rise behind the trees. Reep had spent almost every morning he had free sitting with you like this. "You're extremely happy today aren't you?"

You giggled as birds began to land next to you on the balcony. You made each of them a twig and they took them, bowing slightly before flying off again. "I know, Reep. I just can't help it. The last few weeks have been amazing! I've made such great friend and I've been exploring Narnia with Caspian by my side. I'm so excited! Not only am I Queen of Nature, and have my own magic, but-"

Your door flew open to reveal Amy, running in excitedly. "____!"

"Amy!" you giggled.

"Well, let's go what are you doing? Let's get you ready!" You smiled widely and then held out your hand as Reep jumped in it. "Reep you have to go."

You smiled and reached down giving Reep a small peck on his head. "Go and make sure Caspian is awake."

Amy clapped her hands together and shut the door behind him, smiling at you "Now, its time to make you the most beautiful bride ever!" 

After all of the giggles, Amy filled you in on the latest gossip as she helped you to get ready. When everything was done, you stood in front of the mirror and stared in awe at yourself. You were wearing the most beautifully decorated white gown. Your hair was loosely pinned out of your face in curls.  All that you had left to do was place your crown on your head. You looked at it on the pillow as Amy brought it to you. 

She stopped and waited patiently as you remembered what Aslan had taught you only a few days ago. You took a deep breath and imagined the exact colors you needed for your crown to match your dress. You saw your arms begin to glow the perfect shade and you sprinkled the magic over the crown, watching it change before your eyes.

Amy let out a little squeal when you had finished and she pinned it into your hair, along with the white veil. (Which you had refused to wear over your face. You claimed "your world custom, no negotiations") You felt yourself start to tear up and then stood back up taking a deep breath and centering yourself. You smiled at Amy and thanked her for always being there for you even when you didn't want her to bother your reading. She laughed and congratulated you as she left, heading to the throne room where the ceremony would be held. You took a look in the mirror with a few more deep breaths before walking out of the door.

You wanted to run excitedly down the stairs and straight to the door, but you knew as Queen you couldn't. You walked down the stairs the same way you had at the ball, only not as nervous because you were used to it now. You reached the large doors to the throne room and magically made your bouquet. Smiling at its beauty, you closed your eyes as the doors opened and when you opened them, even though you knew the entire room was full of people, all you saw, was Caspian, with a huge, goofy smile, and a happy tear rolling down his face.

 As you walked, flowers appeared behind you, Aslan had insisted on it and promised Caspian that it wouldn't do any serious damage to the throne room. You smiled and walked as calmly as you could until Caspian was standing in front of you.

He held out his hand for you and you gave it to him, in the proper fashion of course. He helped you up the steps and you smiled, completely happy for the first time in your life as Aslan led you through the ceremony. It's always boring, let's be honest, but no one could deny that you and Caspian gladly grinned and bared it. You had to anyway, since you were a queen and he was a king. 

Aslan pronounced you man and wife and then you and Caspian were against each other, kissing, smiling, and tears slowly dripping down your faces. It wasn't a dream. Tonight, you and Caspian were going away to a secluded and highly secured cabin whose location shall never be known. Reep's idea. Neither one of you cared, you were just glad that for one night, you would be together. Away from Reep's interruptions, away from responsibility (assuming it isn't an emergency, of course), even though you both still had a lot of good to do in this world, today was about the two of you. And it was the best day of your lives.

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