Chapter 2 - The Exam

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(The place she is at is whale island! UWU)

Chiyo's POV:

  "I finally found a place to stay ...I think it's far enough away from the base.." I sighed as I gathered some large branches to make a small fort. "This clearing is also a great place to train for the Hunters exam," I say as I look around the large clearing for some small twigs to make a fire. As the sun sets I unfurl my wings and curl them around my body like a cocoon turning myself into a ball of feathers.

                        ~Time skip to the next day brought to you by Chiyo's feathery Cocoon~

"Something is poking me..." I thought as I shifted my wings to show my face.  "Who's there.." I say, slowly opening my eyes. As my eyes went in and out of focus I saw that it was Hisoka standing over me with a small smile on his face. "Good Morning sunshine,"  Hisoka says still smiling."Go away you creepy clown" I say as I shrink my wings into my back and stand up. "But I thought you might need help on the Hunters exam," He says as his smile turns into a sly smirk. "I don't- Wait... how do you know that I was heading to the Exam?" I say, my eyes turning a light purple. "Welllll it wasn't that hard.. considering that you left your diary behind in your room," He said as his smirk got even larger. "Oh, oops... hehe" I laughed nervously rubbing the back of my head with my hand. "Your so silly Chiyo." Hisoka laughed.

~HUGE time skip brought to you by Hisoka's creepy smile~

(BTW She Shapeshifted To change her appearance)

(BTW She Shapeshifted To change her appearance)

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As the elevator opened I was given a clip with the number 100 on it. "Guess I just have to wait till it starts...." I mutter, putting my hands in my pockets as I fly on top of the pipes lining the wall. "Hey, you on top of the pipe!" I look over to see a chubby man holding an orange juice. "Hello! Do you need something?" I say in my sweetest voice. "My name is Tonpa and I am here to give you this to drink as a gift of our friendship!" the man says. "Oh. Thanks!" I say as I grab the can out of his hand. "No problem!" he says watching me eagerly as I open the can and chug the whole thing down in one gulp. "Thanks, Tonpa I'll see you around!" I say cheerfully as I skip away to find Hisoka. But instead of finding Hisoka I accidentally bumped into a boy the same age as me.

"Oops.." I muttered as I fell to the ground. "Say sorry to Gon!" A tall lanky teen yells."Shush you old man I will once I get up!" I say as I stand up and dust off my shorts. "I'm sorry..." I say rolling my now dark scarlet eyes with annoyance. "Did your eyes just turn scarlet?" a blond boy asked in a serious tone." Umm...yes? yes, they did.. why do you ask?". 

Chapter.... CLIFFHANGER!!!! 

(The photo belongs to its artist I am just borrowing it for the boo.k )

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