Kanae Kocho, Shinobu Kocho, and Kanae Tsuyuri

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Chapter 2

Warning: Spoilers

Y/N looks up and they see two girls towering above them. The girl with long black hair says "My name is Kanae Kocho and this is my sister Shinobu Kocho". Y//N bow and say "Thank you so much for saving me!". "better be grateful", a girl with a big butterfly accessory in her hair said, who Y/N guesses is Shinobu. "Oh, don't be like that Shinobu", Kanae said. "Anyways, your welcome and what's you name", Kanae put her hand out for them to take. Y/N grabbed her hand and she pulled them up. "My name is Y/N ", they respond looking down. "We saw what happened to your family, sorry about that", Shinobu said looking away with sadness face. "Would you like to come with us?", Kanae said with her hands together. "W-wait, I didn't agree to this", Shinobu protested but Kanae just ignored her comment. "U-um, sure, if you don't mind", Y/N responds. "Of course we don't, now come on", Kanae grabbed your hand and ran farther into the forest with Shinobu running behind screaming to slow down. 

time skip


I have lived with the Kocho sisters for a few years and I have never felt more loved. The Kocho sisters gave me a butterfly pin of my own and I put it in my hair. I was walking around town with Shinobu and Kanae and as we were walking across the bridge, I see something strange. I see a bald man holding a rope that was attached to a small girls waist. "Excuse me, do you have a minute?", Kanae asked and the man and little girl turn around to face her. Kanae crouches  and looks at the poor girl. The girl looks up at her and Kanae says " Hello there, Nice to meet you" "My name is Kanae Kocho", Kanae's eyes soften and she says "What's your name?". The man holding the rope says "She's got no name, all right?". "Her parents never gave her one". He then yells "If you want to talk to this kid, pay up!". I glare daggers at the man and mumble "Poor Girl" but he ignores me. Shinobu looks over to the girl and looks back at the man before saying, "All right, then, we'll purchase her". "Would this be enough", Shinobu grabs money out of her coat and throw and throw it around the man. The man drops a sweat with his eyes wide. Shinobu snatches the rope from the mans hand and runs with me, Kanae, and the small girl. "Are you sure about this?", Kanae said and Shinobu quickly answers saying "It's fine". Kanae looks back and yells "Please excuse us!". 

Back at the house

Shinobu took the girl to the bathhouse and splashed water on her head after scrubbing soap in her hair. "Sister, Sister, Sister, this child is hopeless", Shinobu said after I dressed the girl in a simple pink kimono. "Know, know, don't be like that, okay, I just love that smile of yours Shinobu", Kanae said with a calm smile on her face. "But we can't do anything with a kid who can't even think for herself, It's dangerous!, Shinobu yells and Kanae walks past her. I had just finished putting up the girls hair when Kanae came over to the girl holding up a coin. "All right, when you're on your own, you can decide by flipping this coin". "Right, Kanao Tsuyuri?", Kanae puts the coin in Kanao's hand and says "As long as it's given a chance, a person's soul will open up, so don't worry." "When you fall in love with some boy one day, you'll change, too, Kanao". I look at Kanao and say "I agree with Kanae" and I give her a small head pat.

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