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Chapter 12

Shinobu's POV

As me and Y/N were walking we run into Kanao who says, "The guests have healed and they have requested training, Shinobu-Chan". Y/N looks at her and says, "Well what are we waiting for, let's go". Kanao just says, "Sayonara". Me and Y/N start to head towards the front of the butterfly manor but stop when we hear yelling. Y/N sprints over to the yelling with me running behind them. However when we get there, we just see Inosuke yelling at Zenitsu. Y/N clears their throat to get their attention and says, "You have requested training, yes?". Tanjiro walks over to us and nods his head. "Yes, Y/N-San, it will be useful to be trained by superiors", Tanjiro says and Y/N leads him to the center of the courtyard.

Time Skip 

When Everyone was done training for the day I start to head towards my room when I look out the opened door and see Y/N practicing punches with their haori set aside. They was only punching the air though. As I look at them, I start  to think, 'I never noticed how beautiful they look when they are fighting'. As soon as I finish thinking that sentence, my face turns red. 'No, stop thinking that Shinobu!'. As I am lecturing myself my thoughts are interrupted when I hear, "Hello? Are you okay Shinobu?". Y/N was standing in front of me with their haori on with one of their eyebrows raised in worry and confusion. "I-I'm okay Y/N, anyways we need to get to sleep or else we could get sic-", I'm interrupted when I feel lips on mine. My eyes widen when I realize, Y/N is kissing me! I kiss back and after a few moments we pull away. "I love you, Y/N", I say. They give me a warm smile and they hug me saying, "Good night Shinobu-Chan, I love you as well". They walk off and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I compose myself and put back on my small smile. "Congratulations, Shinobu-San", I hear Kanao say from behind me. "You saw that, Kanao-Chan?", She just nods and walks back to her room. I walk back to mine as well, happy about what happened moments earlier unaware of the end I would soon face. 

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