Chapter 8

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A bat hung upside down at the branch of an oak tree. It’s wings covering it’s body as it snoozed peacefully. A sudden movement below startled it and it quickly snapped awake, eyes glaring.
Below, a white rabbit hopped around, it’s nose twitching as it sniffed around for food. The bat adjusted itself and stood upright on the branch, excited at the sight of a new meal. It bared it’s fangs in excitement as the rabbit continued moving about, unaware of the imminent danger about to occur.
With a sharp snarl, it swooped down and  the rabbit suddenly, seeing the approaching predator, took off. It was a short chase as the bat was gearing closer, it’s feet close to grabbing the rabbit by the neck. Then it happened.
Before it could lay it’s claws on the poor animal, a growl was heard nearby and a grey wolf jumped out of the swiped the bat away with it’s claw. The bat landed roughly against a tree bark and quickly regained it’s balance, flying to perch on the branch and snarling at the intruder. The rabbit, seeing at it was saved ironically from another predator, quickly scurried away into a nearby hole to hide, grateful to be able to see the light of another day.
The bat looked at the wolf with glowing red eyes but it wasn’t enough to scare it away as the wolf glared back, baring it’s teeth. It’s grey fur bright in the night and it’s eyes a glistening blue. It stood at alert and growled menancily. The atmosphere between the two animals were tense as they dictated who would start the battle and more importantly, who would come out alive.
With a loud screech, the  bat flew down at the wolf and the wolf charged towards it with an angry ferocity…
Daniel gasped as he woke up from his dream. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. He was in his room and everywhere was still dark. He could still hear the loud snores of one of his room mates but that didn’t bother him. He was used to it by now. He checked his phone and saw that it read 4:AM. Sighing, he laid back and ruminated on  his dream.
‘What could this mean?’ He pondered. ‘The bat?, the wolf?  Fighting?. Is this some kind of unforeseen battle or something.'
He ran his hand over his hair in frustration as he remembered a particular book his grandfather gave him. It was a book titled :DREAMS AND THEIR MEANING. He cursed himself for forgetting to bring it along with him to the school. That book could really come in handy right now.
Speaking of his grandfather, it had been a while since he saw him. He smiled as he remembered the times when he visited him and they would talk about old times. Particularly the years between Daniel’s father and himself.
“ Joe was such a workaholic.” His grandfather would say. “He could be so stubborn sometimes too. I remember each time I would wake up early around 3 to use the latrine. I would pass his room and see his light still on. Each time I check his room, he is doing one kind of experiment or the other. I would scold him and tell him to get back to sleep and he would obey. You would think  he had listened only for him to repeat the same thing again. Joe, my boy. The stubborn doctor.” He added and they would laugh.
Right now was not the time to reminisce. This feeling had appeared again in his mind and he needed to clear it. He picked his phone and dialed his mom.
“Hello?” Her voice sounded tired. “Dan, sweetie. How are you? Is everything okay?”
“Yes.” He replied. “I just thought I should check on you and see if you were fine.”
“Around 4 in the morning?” She was amused. “Is anything the matter?”
“No.” He forced a smile to his face. “ Everything is fine.”
“ Are you sure?” She pressed on.
“Yeah”  He replied too quickly.
Esther sighed into the receiver, knowing her son’s reputation for keeping things to himself. But she didn’t want to press him further.
“Alright, Baby.” She smiled. “ Remember, if you need anything or you want to talk to me about anything, I am here for you. Okay?”
“Okay, I will.” He smiled softly. “Love you mum.”
“Love you too, my baby boy.” She giggled.
“Mom, I’m 16.” he rolled his eyes.
“Not yet anyway.” She replied. “Until next week.”
“Alright. Take care and send my greetings to Jacob.” She said.
Daniel looked under his bunk to see Jake snoozing, wrapped in blanket and leaving only his head exposed. An amusing sight.
“ Alright I will. Take care too, Mum.” he said.
“ I will.” She replied. “Bye."
“Bye.” He cut the call.
He sighed in relief. Thank goodness. His mum was fine.
The sun had risen and by that time, Dan and Jake had gotten ready for their first lecture of the day.  For once, They finally had the time to eat which put Daniel in a bright mood.
“Dan, something is definitely up with you.” Jake said as they walked along the hallway of their hostel.
“What happened?” Dan replied.
“This your way is not pure again.” Jake laughed as they turned to another corner that led to the exit.
Daniel laughed slightly. “What brought about this? ”
“ Since that time you followed Ann that day, you just dey disappear every now and then. Sometimes you come back late at night. I am getting a bit suspicious, you know." Jake teased.
  Since his encounter with Luke, Daniel had decided that he really needed physical as well as mental fitness. He had requested for Ann to teach him karate which she happily obliged. That is not to say the training was a smooth ride. The beginning process  which was the defensive had been a long and painful one as she had managed to land hits on various parts of his body and sent him falling on his back with a painful groan. After a few weeks, he got the hang of it and began to dodge her attacks gradually and reverse her grips. Then he managed to land hits on her though he reduced his efforts on that as he didn’t like hitting girls. So far it was all good.
“I’m just putting her through in most of the courses.” Daniel said.
“Right.” Jake gave him a sceptical look.
They were suddenly intercepted by a brutish looking guy with a scar running down his left cheeks and bloodshot eyes. Falcon, as he was called, due to his sharp eyes used to detect victims that he would extort money from, was the hostel’s infamous bully known for his aggressive nature and getting into fights with most of the hostel inmates. Only a few in the hostel stood up to him and his thuggish ways.
Right now, he had located his first victims of the day and Jake knew what was coming next.
“Where are you going?” he said with a frown as he blocked their way. Daniel scowled at this, his bright mood already ruined. He didn’t want any of this nonsense today.
“Class.” He replied.
“I see. Scholars.” Falcon laughed. “ Anyway, you know how  we run things in this hostel. Just settle me something, I want to buy food." He commanded as his face regained his serious look.
“Sorry, No cash.” Daniel retorted, surprising both Jake and Falcon. Jake because he had never seen this side of his best friend before. Falcon, because he felt insulted by this little boy who had the guts to stand up to him. Who did he think he was?
“Are you talking to me like that?” Falcon roared,scaring Jake who backed down a little. But Daniel stood his ground. Some rebellious spirit had suddenly taking him and he felt like lashing out. A small crowd had gathered by the scene and some boys were already feeling sorry for Daniel, knowing what was going to happen next.
“Listen.” Daniel began. “We have class by 8 and this is 7;30. If we don’t hurry, we will be late.”
“That is none of my business.” Falcon bellowed, gripping Daniel by his shirt. “ Its like you forgot how I run things in this hostel. Pay your dues now or there will be blood spillage in this hostel. No time.”
“Please, Guy. Do the right thing for peace to reign.” One of the bystanders pleaded to Daniel, a few agreeing with him.
If Daniel wasn’t pissed before, he was definitely pissed now. All he wanted was to wake up early and go to class in peace. Was that too much to ask? Now he would definitely be late all because of this stupid pig of a guy!!
Gripping the hand that held his shirt, Daniel did the unthinkable. To the surprise of their audience and Jake, he lifted Falcon and slammed him into the nearby waste bin head first. Shouts of surprise rang through the crowd as they took in the sight of Falcon in the waste bin. Only his legs sticking out. Daniel smiled a bit. That karate lesson definitely paid off.
“Dude,lets go.” He pulled Jake along as they parted the way through the crowd who quickly made way for them. Jake obliged as a zombified look came on his face. What happened to the Daniel he knew?
“Well,well,well. Look who's late." Tomiwa teased the boys as they finally made their way into the class. As predicted, they arrived twenty minutes late and after some insults from the lecturer, they were told to wait outside as punishment before being pardoned and allowed to come in.
“It wasn’t our fault.” Jake grumbled.
“Oh really?” She smiled. “ Who’s fault was it?”
“ Long story.” Jake muttered.
“ Yeah,right.” She laughed.
Daniel sat down  beside Sharon with a frown. He prayed that today would not get any worse because if someone managed to anger him, he would not go as easy on that person as he went on Falcon. Sharon for once decided not to bother him as she saw his mood.
“I smell fury.” A feminine voice sang in his ear and he turned around to look into the teasing chocolates of Annabelle’s eyes.
“Then your nose works well.” Ge managed a small smile.
“Terrible morning?” She asked.
“Yeah” He replied as he faced his front so he wouldn’t be caught and sent outside again.
“ I’ll tell you later.” He whispered.
“Alright." She smiled.
Sharon frowned a little at their interaction. Ever since Annabelle showed up into their group, She had managed to gather most of Daniel’s attention and break into his shell. How did she do it?
The rest of the day went quite normal and Daniel lightened up.  After lectures were over,he told Annabelle about his encounter that early morning and she laughed at it before congratulating him. She then invited over to her place for a celebration of him becoming a “real man” which he agreed on. Then they left the hall.
Currently, he was on his way to her place with a smile on his face. When he got back to the hostel earlier in the evening, he saw no sign of Falcon. Instead he was greeted by the inmates of his hostel as they showered praises and respect for him for his feat that morning. He smiled at the memory as he quickly stopped at a nearby bush to ease himself. The area was lonely as there were not many people passing by. He finished and was about to leave when he heard a voice behind him.
“ Boys.See as payback is set for me today." The voice snarled.
Daniel turned around and was met with the horrific sight of Falcon staring at him with an angry look. With him were 4 other brutes and they all held knives. Daniel panicked as he began to sweat. Training was not enough to support him against 5 big guys who were armed and the chances of him surviving this night were next to naught.
“You were playing the martial artist against me this morning,right?"  Falcon said as he and the 4 guys began to corner Daniel.
“Don’t worry. We'll  see how all those tricks will help you now.” Daniel was already against the wall with no where to escape and was about to pray for his life.
“Leave him alone.” A calm voice intercepted from the shadows
“Who is that?” Falcon growled as he stopped advancing along with his boys.
The owner of the voice stepped out from the darkness and to their surprise, it was Annabelle . She clenched her fists as an angry look was on her face. A look Daniel had never seen before.
“If you know what is good for you, I suggest you leave now.” She continued.
Falcon and the boys roared in laughter.
“See this chick. ” Falcon said in between laughs. “ You think we are playing here. You better get your ass out of  here before I send my boys to your side."
“Go ahead and try.” She said, defiantly.
Falcon signaled to one of his boys and he charged towards her only to be swiftly knocked down to the ground unconscious by a heavy kick to the jaw. A look of surprise came on Falcon’s face before it was replaced with anger. He commanded the remaining three to attack at once and a full fight began. Daniel and Falcon stood by as they watched Annabelle brutalize the three guys, one by one. The first charged with his knife and she sidestepped him before hitting his back with her elbow, stunning him enough to drop his knife. Before he could recover, Annabelle had blocked the punch of the second guy and jabbed him in the face before lifting him by the shirt and throwing him towards the former. They collided head to head and dropped to the ground in an unconscious heap. The third lasted though as he managed to endure her hits slightly. He tried to kick  her but she dodged it, switching positions with him with her back to falcon. Falcon took this as his cue to attack and charged forward with his knife.
“ANN! WATCH OUT!!”  Daniel cried out, but it was too late..
Annabelle  had punched the third guy in the jaw and delivered multiple kicks to his head which knocked him down. She turned around at the sound of Daniel’s cry a little too late and couldn’t prevent Falcon’s knife from piercing into her stomach. She screamed in pain and Daniel gasped in horror.
“NO!!” He cried out.
Annabelle’s legs buckled and she slipped slowly to the ground.
“I told you,didn't I?” Falcon laughed as he held on to the knife in her stomach. “ I told  you that you weren't supposed to cross my lane. I'm the king….”
He was interrupted as all of a sudden, Annabelle suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled it away from her stomach and without hesitation… she broke his wrist.
Falcon screamed as he bent side ways, but she wasn’t done yet. She stood back up with her eyes closed and held him by the shirt before tearing the top of the shirt away to reveal his neck. She  straightened her self and opened her eyes. Daniel gasped in terror as he saw her eyes. It was glowing red and veins began to pulse around it. It was the same appearance he had seen on Luke.
‘Oh no’ He thought in fear. ‘ This cannot be. This is not happening’
Falcon on the other hand began to struggle against her grip but it was no use as she quickly opened her mouth to reveal fangs and bit into his neck. He screamed and struggled harder until his body became limp and she dropped him on the floor.  His eyes were still open but one sharp look would tell someone that he was dead.
Annabelle sighed in relief as she wiped her mouth. She pulled up her shirt to reveal the rapidly healing wound on her stomach. It soon closed up and her flesh became as new.
“Ann?” A frightened voice startled her. She gasped in reality as she glanced at the forgotten reason she was here in the first place. She walked towards him but he quickly moved back in fear.
“Dan, please wait…” She stretched her hand towards him.
“Ann?” He repeated as fear etched over his face. “ You’re a vampire?”

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