Chapter 20: The Shadows

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[It appeared as though humanity would be destroyed by the demons.
But a single mage saved them all.
He was called the wizard king, and he became a legend.]

Deep beneath the Royal Capitol was a filthy, dimly lit dungeon. Inside of this dungeon were two prisoners who would never see the sun again. Vanica & Dante.
"How much longer is this supposed to take?" Dante complained impatiently. "What you got a hot date or a dentist appointment you need to be at?" Vanica groaned.

"Is it such a bad thing that I want out of here as soon as possible?"
"It's all part of the plan. Zenon has never failed us before and he won't now. So just sit down and shut up." Dante sits on the old rickety bench attached to the wall across from Vanica. "Once we get out of here, everybody that crossed us is going to pay! We were Gods until they interfered!"
"Just remember the plan! If you screw this up-"
"Alright alright, I got it." Dante held out his arms to shush Vanica.


"Even though I highly doubt I will be defeated, I have a contingency plan." Zenon murmured.
"What is it?" Vanica asked.
"I have casted a spell so that in the event of my death, the two of you shall become possessed by my demonic power. Unfortunately, unless you have the enchanted sword you won't be able to use all magic types, but with the two of your combined demonic power I'm sure you won't have trouble getting your hands on it."
"Zenon, if you die, the chances of us winning this war become slim to none! " Dante explained
"We are Gods! As Gods, we must hit them where it hurts. At their own kingdom. If I die once they see you two possess no demonic power they will simply throw you in the dungeon forever. That's when you'll receive my powers! Then you destroy the Clover kingdom."

Vanica cried, "But...what about you?"
"As long as you two live on to accomplish our goal, in a way, I will never die."

End of Flashback

Dante's hand begins trembling, and the trembling moves up his arm and throughout his entire body.
"Vanica? Vanica! I think I can feel it. Zenon's power. It's beginning to flow through me." The same happens shortly after to Vanica, "Wait I think I can feel it too." The trembling turns into painful aches in the torso. Dante and Vanica both fall to their knees holding onto their hearts, that start beating faster. "No wonder Zenon never smiled. His power hurts." Dante chuckled through his pain. After they adjust to the pain, they stand up and examine each other. "Alright now let's get this show on the road!" Vanica grumbled. "We have a kingdom to destroy."

Dante uses his gravity magic to force the dungeon door off the hinges. The four magic knights guarding the door witness this. "Don't let them escape!"
"Exploding Life." Vanica murmured. The four magic knights filled up with so much blood that they exploded. "Damn this power is crazy! You used that magical spell on four people at the same time, you were never able to do that before."
"Focus." Vanica snapped. "We still have a whole building full of people to kill, and we gotta do it quietly." Vanica marched away towards the stairs.
"wE sTILl HaVe a wHOlE bUiLDinG FuLl oF pEOpLe tO kIlL, aNd wE GotTA dO iT QuiEtlY."

Dante and Vanica slowly made their way up the stairs, killing people slowly and quietly. Once they were certain all the guards on the main level were dead they kept moving. The shiny white floors were now soaked in magic knight blood. Once they reached the top floor they made it to the Wizard King's office. "Alright this guy isn't going to be as easy to kill as those losers downstairs. We need a plan." Vanica whispered. "Screw the plan, I'm killing him NOW!"

Dante kicks open the door, causing Julius and Marx to look up from the desk. "Holy shit! It's those war criminals that were locked up in the dungeon!" Marx shouts in a panic. Dante charges at Julius, and prepares to pounce on him, but he and Marx disappear in a flash. "Where'd they go?"
Outside the Capitol building Julius' time magic stopped the flow of time long enough to get Marx out of the building to safety, but on the way he saw all of his dead subordinates and became enraged. "Marx I'm almost certain these guys are going to be a challenge to defeat. I might need assistance from the Squad Captains. I need you to tell them to report here immediately."

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