1- My Name's Lopecand

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        This world is a cruel, dark place. The hallways are torture. Pure hell. I got shoved into lockers and people called me terrible names. I never knew the third grade was this hard.  Who would of thought that after twenty years I finally came back to school and this is what I get? No one even talks to me. 

        I felt so alone in this world and wanted to be anywhere but where I was. 

        If it's that bad today, I thought, I'll never return. 

        As i rounded the corner, the gang of bullies came towards me. I squeezed along the sides of the hall hoping the wouldn't notice me. Too late. They took my books and threw them all on the floor. They shoved me and laughed. 

        I hate this.

        Suddenly, a girl, no. A beautiful angel rounded the corner and yelled at the harassers. 

        "Don't be so rude to him! He did nothing wrong!" She helped me pick up my books.

        I had never been so happy to talk to someone before. But somehow I was nervous. 

        " T- Th- Thanks." I stuttered.

        She smiled and my stomach erupted in butterflies.

        "Don't mention it!  What's your name?  I'm Lopecand!"

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