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Toby, Masky and I sat in a booth in an off the wall café, stuffed in the corner as to stay as low as possible, both boys relinquished there facial ware for a time.

Skully and Hoodie separated from us, there reasoning was to lesson the head count but to also look into the area. A number of government looking vehicles stationed themselves around the town, Masky said it was most likely because Slenderman came out of hiding, even for a briefed moment they narrowed down the area and are investigating, 'as long as we lay low they will leave but we are running out of time' he said with no belief in his own words.

I take a sip of my (drink) and took a glance at my company, Masky, who sat beside me, was on his fifth cup of coffee, his elbows rested on the table, his hands clamped before his mouth, he was pretty much vibrating from the caffeine, he looked overly stressed and ready for a nap. His dark bangs and sideburns where messy and unkept, His brown eyes full of exhaustion and unease, his tan jacket was disheveled and covered in so many different stains mixing together I could never guess the cause of them, he just looked so done with everything.

Toby looked no better, he wore a grey face mask to cover the scaring on his mouth, he kept looking around nervously and mumbling to himself, his brown striped sweater sat oddly over his skinny body, overly wrinkled and bleach stained in random places, his scarred fingers drum against the hardwood table.

"He should be hear by now" Toby made no eye contact as he spoke his voice barley above a whisper, I could see worry in his brown eyes as he stared out the nearest window, subtle in his glances at the strangers walking by, "do you think he got caught?"

Masky glanced at him but said nothing.

I put my drink down and sighed, its already noon and there is no sign of this mysterious person, its normal for someone to worry in such a situation I suppose, though I'm not sure how far worry goes in murderer standards, but I suppose for Toby ill try my luck.

"ill bet you $20 bucks your friend will walk threw that door right now"

The two of them gave me an incredulous look, but caught distracted by the bell chime as the door was opened, revealing a petite young man in a grey hoodie and black aviator sunglasses, his brunette hair sways about as he scanned the seating area, Toby raised his arm a bit to get his attention, he casually strode over and dropped himself beside Toby with a relived sigh, removed his glasses and immediately transfixed me into his eyes, they where such a vibrant green I could almost say they glow.

I caught myself staring and pried my eyes from him, giving my attention to Toby, he was visibly relived but also a little irked "Cody what the hell, t-took yo-u? we've been here for hours"

Cody shook his head "the town is basically on lockdown, I had to change out of my normal attire because it would be foolish to flaunt the operators symbol right now, Kate and I had to split up, plenty of the other Proxies are going into hiding until further notice"

That caught my attention and added to my list of questions "I though Proxies where suppose to stay with Slenderman? is there like positions?"

Cody nodded "You must be (Y/N), heard a bit about you, nice job not being dead"

wow thanks, I could feel my remorse.

He smirked at me "in a way there are levels, but its not as important as you think, you live long in this line of work, then your worth it" I nod in understanding "Masky and Hoodie are the right and left hand of Slender, Toby and Skully are more of the middle man, the four of them are to remain the closest to there master as there told, the rest such as I, are scattered, though there are not many of us"

Masky scanned round the café and picked up on the conversation "He doesn't want you as a Proxie if that's what your thinking, he wants a worker, someone more human then a Proxie can be, someone who doesn't constantly have a target on there back" He turns to me, his eyes lingering in mine "someone who has not killed"

I felt myself suck in a breath, a sheepish grin spread across my face.

"Ya, um, about that"

Good Luck! // Creepypasta x lucky readerWhere stories live. Discover now