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I didn't want to have to return to town so soon, the atmosphere in the area is so dreary it can even make me depressed, but with my items constantly being jacked I need to stock up. Reading over the list as I enter Walmart, I can't help feeling like I have eyes burning into the back of my head, however when I glanced over my shoulder no one in the vicinity had taken notice of me, perhaps I'm becoming sensitive now that I live partially secluded in the woods.

I gathered up most items on the list, including an extra med kit and some rope, then turned my attention to the gun displays, ill never understand why the US needs to stock every shopping district with weapons.

I had no real idea as to how to use a firearm, but I am sure it can't be that hard. I glance over the handgun in the displays, it would be a piece of cake for me to reach over snag one and vanish never to be seen again but I have morals. I turn my attention to the clerk working behind the counter "excuse me sir, may I take a look at this P938?", the man handed me the weapon looking me over, "you don't look like someone who would have a reason to own a gun, why do you want a weapon?" smartass, does it matter, I could joke and say 'well obviously to shoot someone' but I don't want to be locked out of ownership.

I gave my best fake smile "some personal reasons sir, nothing so secretive" he blinked at me, his face becoming serious "you... you work for him don't you?".

...What? who is him? Ill keep the nonchalant act on, I don't want to have to track across town to find another weapon dealer just because this guy got the wrong idea. I kept the smile on my face, choosing my words carefully, "...whatever do you mean sir? ill have you know I work for no one." oh shit that came out more hostile then intended, the clerk began to sweat, he looked up and down the area then pulled out some ammunition and set it on the counter, "just take it, let him know I'm still doing my job well" he took a deep breath "I don't want a repeat of that incident". I exited the store threw the back door provided by the clerk, I was a little surprised he gave it to me for nothing but I'm not complaining.

Circling the street corner I notice a huddle of older looking guys, they look familiar, oh its Tubby and his gang. The gang was surrounding someone who where on there knees, protecting there head with there hands, I'm sure I've seen that guy before somewhere, but where?

I stepped closer the mob, the figure in the middle became more visible, omg is that Skully! I began to jog the remaining distance "The hell you think your doing to my marshmallow!" my outburst caught Tubby's attention, his eyes going from my face to the gun strapped to my hip he immediately started to panic "SHIT its the (guy/girl) who killed Harry and Marvin! RUN!" the group dispersed in a flash, retreating around the street corner and out of sight leaving Skully on his knees both relieved, irritated, and confused.

He had yet to lift his gaze from the ground, most likely so no one saw that creepy mask he was sporting, I quickly looked him over, he was a little banged up but not bleeding. I heaved him off the ground, he was reluctant to be manhandled as he tried to pull away from me, "Hey chill, I'm going to take you back to the park by the forest" he glanced up at me slightly, enough to see my face, "You.... take... me back....?" he didn't relax but he did allow me to take a hold of his hand and drag him along with me, his gaze back on the ground.

we are a good distance from the park, I avoided using transit like I originally intended for Skully's sake. He was a quiet guy, he pulled his blue hood over his masked face every time someone passed us by, that is until we where approached by someone from an alleyway, "what are you doing out in brad daylight Skully?" stepping out of the shadow was none other then Hoodie, he seemed slightly irked but also relieved to have found his companion "oh, and you have (y/n) with you? the hell is going on?" ok big guy I could be asking the same thing.

Skully pulled away his hand from mine, he seemed to fidget around a little "Take me...back" Hoodie sighed "Yes I see (he/she) is taking you back, I'm asking why you where out in the first place." Skully shifted behind me a bit, leaning his body around by shoulder, "...Cat...Cold" oh so he found a cold cat? I think that's what he was saying, his answer however did not seem to satisfy Hoodie who began rubbing the bridge of his masked nose, "Your telling me, that you risked yourself, for a feline?" Skully shrunk further behind me, he was upset that his companion was irritated with him, poor boy perhaps if I- "If it helps knowing-".

"I didn't ask you-"

"There over there!", the gang I chased off earlier had returned with bigger numbers and weapons, they had rounded the corner and alerted his group of are whereabouts, they did not seem to be happy.

Hoodie reacted immediately, taking a hold of my hand, I in tern took a hold of Skully's, we raced into the alleyway and to the back of the brick wall, releasing my hand Hoodie knelt beside the wall, his hands intertwined, Skully raced forward stepping onto Hoodies interlocked hands and was thrown atop the wall, Hoodie then looked back at me, "I don't have all day, move!".

Crist, this is like an action movie, I copied Skully stepping on Hoodies hands and propelling myself upon the wall with Hoodie's assistance, though I was not as graceful or landed brilliantly, I'm still able to see the safe side of the wall. Skully had taken a hold of Hoodies hand, however he was having trouble lifting the taller man up, the mob had begun filling the mouth of the ally, shooting at us I be it horribly, there aim is terrible, there like three ten feet away and not hitting shit.

This is the first time I've been shot at, I mean are you freaking kidding me WTF, I took a hold of Hoodies other hand and together we pulled him up and over the brick wall. The three of use began sprinting threw the snow in the direction of the closest woodlands, screw the park for now.

Hidden within the safety of trees we started catching are breaths, I was still panting against the trunk of a birch tree when the other two had already caught there breaths and began to convers, that experience was interesting, coming to this town was a great idea, it hasn't even been a month since I've practically moved here and I have already experienced so many death defying moments then I had within a year, and I haven't even tried to die yet.

I has pulled from my thoughts by a burning sensation on my shoulder, I quickly covered the area and when I pulled my hand away there was a dampness I have not felt in a long time, blood, I had been shot.

I stared at my hand wide eyed, it was only a flesh wound but I had been shot none the less, I began to giggle to myself, and soon I was on my hands and knees in full blown laughter, holding my stomach it hurt so much, the other two had turned there attention to me.

"You-" I gasped "you guys are the best!" the two stood stunned by my outburst of hysteria, I showed them my hand then pointed to my bleeding shoulder "Shot!" I chuckled "I got shot! hahaha", the two looked at each other, Hoodie approached my shaking and giggling figure with his hands raised, "Ok, you need to calm down-".

"I am calm" I said smiling at him, I still tried to keep my giggles in but doing so made me sound more out of it, as I sat in the snow both of my arms where grabbed, Skully on the right and Hoodie on the left, they pulled me from the ground and we began tracking deeper into the forested area, "where are we going?" I questioned, Skully gave his attention to me but Hoodie was the one who answered.

"Boss wants to meet you"

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