Part 2

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Inside was much bigger than the outside, that it took him a moment to adjust his eyes. 

The cottage was room. 

With a ceiling with no roof and the furniture being as exquisite as in the royal palace. He wondered if she magically teleported there and stole it, but it felt far fetched on what she has revealed so far. Sorin stepped across the knitted carpet to the sofa across the fireplace. He sat on a cushion and held a pillow to his lap while watching the heat nipped at the logs. 

Waiting for something to happen. But so far nothing from the cracks of the floorboard to the incomprehensible structure he was in, has harmed him yet.

"Don't worry," The sorceress attracted his attention back, "It's just an illusion."


She went to one of the cushions right beside him, "How long will this interrogation go?"

He blinked, “Well, hopefully short."


Departing from him as she went through the wall, he leaped to his feet. Finding himself ready for action, but the sorceress dismissed his attempt by the wave of her hand.

"Don't worry," She reassures, "You can always leave. Which I highly recommend."

With that, he sat back down as she disappeared out of the room. Admiring the tricks upon his eyes as he fiddle with the sheet of the pillow. Feeling deflated that all of his hopes were crushed just by doing nothing. 

Sorin was fifth in his rank and it wasn't long before he earned his infamous reputation. Combat was more accepted than flight, his easy-going of things made him more gullible than a toddler. He believed he wasn’t as intimidating that many have led on, the reason why he never stayed as a palace guard. But, anything along the lines of cruses, he was highly recommended to take on the labor. So far he is convinced of his report about the sorceress. Nothing crucial happened, but time will tell when he will act. 

The sorceress came back through the wall once again with a platter and steaming teacup in her hand. 

"Did you wait long?" 

He shrugged, "Not really."

She sat down in a chair, right beside him instead, folding her legs, "Good, now proceed."

He sighed, pulling a roll of parchment out of his pouch and unbinding it, "Verian, the immortal being who tolls in the forest for who knows how long, is put on eradication for disturbing the peace in Nimir. Many claim she steals children at night to restore her immortal appearance, which has terrorized the lower class to cause many catastrophes. Such as the immoral executions of many women and children.

“Behalf of The Council of Nimir, devastated by such news, sent Sir Sorin Azor Airusoln under investigation. Upon discovery of Verian’s existence, the task will proceed as stated.”

He rolled up the scroll to see Verian, amused. Her eyebrow twitching as her smile stretches on her face. Noise forsook the room, as the sorceress stared at the young knight that didn't seem bothered with what he said. There was no fear between them, just a tension that seemed to stretch more than it should. This time, he unstrapped his sword and held it in his hand. The sword still tucked in its leather scabbard, he held the hilt about to unsheathe his blade. His eyes held no charm, his simple attitude and careless flare seemed to vanish as Sorin peered at her. His clear eyes seemingly dead as he grins.

And she, in return, cackled. Howling in delight as she slipped from her chair and curled on the floor. Gasping for air, as Sorin sat there in bewilderment. Her laughter spoke more than true words, he was terrible to be assigned to this duty in the first place. 

She coughed, "Oh my, I would've left this place ages ago if it wasn't for my nemesis. "

Astonished, he loosely gripped on to his sword. "Nemesis?"

She nods, "Yes. Sandra, another sorceress like me that deserves to sleep amongst the corpses."

"Quite aggressive."

"But would you blame me?" She cocked her head, sitting back on her chair as she sipped from her tea. "She is the reason why I can't leave this place."

His eyes perked, "As in you're....cursed within another curse?"

She snuffed out her laughter, "No. She has something precious of mine.”

"Then, if you get it back you'll leave?" 

It sounded too simple for him. Is a sorceress willing to obey as long she gets the thing she longed for? A lot of questions circled his mind about her motivation for getting this item. But he guesses that was the point of her hesitation. 

"Let's say this," She intercepted his thoughts, "Why won't you help me? I would remove myself anywhere near Nimir and you’ll be able to report back of my 'execution'.”

“But how do I know that your curse doesn’t resonate in eating souls?”

She smirked, “Very Simple.”

Verian, swirled her silverware before she stabbed her palm. Sinking into it as blood leaked from her hand, trickling down her fingertips.

Sorin eyebrows frowned, “Why-”

And she yanked it out, the blood soaking back into her skin. Sorin’s eyes widen as he observes her wounds knitted back together. Only the bloodstains on her hands trailed back to the origins of where it came. 

“Instance of my immortality, I can not die.” She freely gripped her palm,” I am willing to be an infant to an ugly hag, but never have I gone beyond those exteriors of life. The reason why I don’t want to stay here any longer. A cage with no metal bars to keep me in, but it is capable of entrapping my mind. To pen my psyche. It’s frustrating enough that I have lost count of my dwellings in this forsaken forest, and it’s annoying that I can’t reach beyond these boundaries.”

She took a deep breath and averted her eyes to Sorin, “Coming to an ultimatum will benefit both of us. For me, to vanish from these lands and for your return. My first and last guest, will you do the honor of deterring a threat for my freedom?”

Again, it was too simple. And a bit of a goose chase just to do a task within a task to get rid of someone who hasn't done anything. It didn't matter to him, but now he is more motivated to go back to be assigned to a different obligation. This one seems to drag on more than he wanted.

He sighed in return, having a final verdict. "I understand."

“And will you?”

He nodded, strapping his sword to his hip. “Gladly.”

“Good,” Vervain stood up as she walked toward the wall, “Because Sandra isn’t far from here.”   


According to Verian’s explicit directions, Sandra lived deep within the pike of rigid mountains not far from the forest of Tyscythe. The young knight hasn’t seen the sharp hills that struck the sky. Maybe his sense of direction has distracted him, or he was plain ignorant, but even looking up to the beast he must climb, his heart booms against his chest.

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