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The year is 1996. It was your first day at a company called SM entertainment, and you had just passed by the reception staff, wearing black, oversized pants and a white t-shirt. You were casually walking around, checking where everything was. Of course, you'd think that nothing much would happen in your first day here, but you turned out to be wrong - while walking around, you see the idols of SM themselves, H.O.T. passing by. They seemed very close and had this somewhat cold aura, but this aura was more of a celebrity, royal-like aura.

And between all of them, one caught your attention the most - it was Tony. He had black hair that was split in the middle, his face complexion gave you a calming feeling, as if he's a calm person overall, and he had very cute and pointy ears, and everything together with his stance, his walk, his voice you overheard when he walked past you, ut all seemed to make up the ideal type in your eyes. Just like that, once the idol group walked by, you turned around in awe, standing still for a good 5 seconds untill the one you had your eyes on before turned back for some odd reason, and to not cause the situation akward, you immediately turned around and walked further down the hallway.

After a few turns you took down hallways, you finally reached your dorms where you would spend the rest of your training period outside lessons and practices. Your roommate had already lived there for a while, as she seemed very comfortable in the room. As soon as you entered the room, the girl got up from her bed and greeted you, saying "You must be my new roommate, welcome! My name is Moon Hyeri, it's nice to meet you. What "

"Thank you for the welcoming, my name is Y/N, it's very nice to meet you." With a smike on your face, you brought your suitcase inside the dorm and soon started unpacking everything that you brought to here, putting everything in the shelves which were seemingly on your side of the room. In the meanwhile, Hyeri seemed quite interested in the new girl. "Where are you from, Y/N? And how did you even get into SM entertainment?"

"Oh, I'm from Y/CN, and I got casted for my rapping skills. I heard they wanted to debut a 4 member group with a variety of languages spoken between the members, and I'm fluent in English, so I believe that was a big factor too. And what about you - how did you get here?" You sat down for a second to hear your roommate out on her life story. "Well, I got into the company with my dancing skills, cosidering my brother is a really good dancer himself and got in here too."

"That's awesome, you both must be so talented! I bet you and your brother will make it big." After you said that, Moon Hyeri chuckled to herself and looked down, always feeling kind of akward once the topic of her brother is brought up, aa the reactions are always very different and some can be very harsh too. The girl was able to successfully and quickly overcome her small moment of akwardness, timidly saying "Would you believe if i said... that my brother is Moon Heejun?" You looked at Hyeri in a disbelief, but not a negative one, it was more like a happily suprised face expression. "As if Moon Heejun from H.O.T.? Wow, that's so cool... but I imagine that it must be hard at the same time - you must have a lot of expectations by everyone and not everyone might see it as something positive."

The girl took a while to look down at the floor, reminiscing the endless times she's been accused of getting into the company just because of her brother and seeming like a company's favourite, when in reality she has to work twice as hard to prove that she trultly deserves her spot here. And with all of these thoughts, a tear dropped from her cheek. You had just completed putting all of your stuff away and you sighed in relief, about to speak in a relaxed manner and then seeing the other girl tearing up, immediately getting worried about it. "Phew, I'm finally don- hey, a-are you crying?"

Hyeri slowly started to open up about her honest feelings and the stress that being the sister of an H.O.T. member and a trainee at the same company brings, as you sat down next to her, saying "It's okay to cry it all out, you can tell me about your hardships, I'll be here for you." You gave your roommate a pack if tissues tgat were on a shelf and she wiped her tears away with it. "It's just that everyone always assumes that I got inside just because I'm his sister and that I don't have to struggle because of it, but in reality, I have to prove that I'm worthy of being called his sister, and everyone gets so jealous and turns away from me that it's almost impossible to make new friends." In the midst of it, you hug her tightly, feeling very bad for her and wanting to help her. "Listen up, I'm here for you. If anyone ever says bad stuff to you or hurts you, I'll make sure to protect you. And also" you stopped mid sentence to pull away from her for a while and to look straight into her eyes "your name is Moon Hyeri, and you're a talented and stunning young girl, your name isn't Moon Heejun's sister, and if someone thinks like that, make sure to speak up and make your name known. Do you get me?"

Hyeri nodded in aprooval and she had almost stopped crying, wiping away her last tears "Yes, I get you. Thank you so much for this, you truly seem like someone who I can trust with my worries and concerns, and I'd be glad to call you my friend, of course, only if you see me as on-" "Are you kidding me, of course I see you as my friend! If I disliked you, would I try to help you with your issues?" The other smirked and after a while when she had calmed down, ahe suggested something "Also, do you want to have dinner perhaps? It's getting quite late and I'm starving right now."

"Oh yes, let's get something to eat! What do you want to eat?" The girl thought for a very small while "I think we can keep it simple and just eat ramen, I don't feel like going out to eat or buying anything." "Yeah, I agree, let's just have ramen, I feel quite tired after the long journey from home to here." You got up and grabbed the teapot that was standing on the wide windowsill and went to pour water in it, soon coming back and turning it on, then going to your bag and pulling out 2 packs of ramen that you bought on your way here, putting 2 bowls down on the table in the middle of the room. You both opened the 2 packs at the same time and poured it's contents into each of your bowls. The water had soon been boiled and both of you simultaneously went after the teapot and reaching for it, you both hit your heads against each other.

Even if it wasn't that big, you both ended up laughing so hard, it felt like you've know each other for such a long time when you met a few minutes ago. You really felt close to your roommate and you felt that she was being just as genuine as you are. After this, you quickly grabbed the teapot before Hyeri could so you wouldn't bump your heads together again. You then poured the hot water into the 2 bowls on the table and put it away after that, patiently waiting for the noodles to get ready. In the meanwhile, Hyeri decided to strike up a conversation to get to know both of them better. "So Y/N, how did you even find this company and how did you exactly audition?"

You slightly smiled, remembering the whole situation and how it happened. "It's actually a fun story - I was walking down the street, heading to my school, and I overheard a conversation about SM entertainment. I really liked rapping and dancing, so i decided to audition on a whim. I never discussed it with anyone at all, as I knew noone would support me anyways. And like that, I went to the audition, and everything went smooth for a while, untill my head completey blacked out and i kept repeating the same line again and again for 2 verses," In the middle of the story, you saw that the ramen is ready and took a bite from it, then turning back to Hyeri, as she was also eating her ramen and listening to you closely as you continued your story "just adjusting the pronounciation to the rythm, and that phrase was so unrelated to the song, it was "I'm Y/N and instant ramen is my bitch!" and I remember the employee at the auditions said "She seems like a punk, but one that we need""

Your roommate began laughing about the story, and you did too. "Wow," said Hyeri "If you got into SM with saying that, then they must find something VERY special in you. I already kinda told you my story of coming here, and I can assure you nothing like that happened to me, as I auditioned with dancing and it was pretty basic for an audition." You both soon had finished your ramen bowls and you volunteered to wash them.

You soon arrived with the clean bowls and looking at the time, you both had to prepare to go to sleep so you wouldn't get into any trouble. Both of you grabbed everything you needed and you went to the bathroom, and there, you weren't shy to having fun and occaisionally slapshing each other with water, taking your time there. Afterwards, you both even started singing a song that was quite popular a bit earlier this year, it's name was 3!4! and was performed by Roo'Ra. Both of you harmonized to it and even a girl around your age joined you, passing you both by. She had an unmistakenable cute face and she looked like a trainee here, but you didn't get the chance to meet her closer as of right now.

After all of these vivid events today, you both went back to your dorm, turning off the light and laying in your own beds. Yoy wished your last goodnight to Hyeri today "Goodnight, sleep tight!" and you could hear her voice from the other side of the dorm saying the same to you. "Goodnight to you too, sweet dreams!" You fell asleep, thinking that you'll have a great time here and that connecting school with practise wouldn't be a huge worry for you.

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