Chapter 6

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Emmalee remained silent in the carriage as her mother talked on and on about Martha Brodrick. Emmalee's mind was engaged on other things. It was the three handsome gentlemen she had danced with all night. Wesley, Arthur and Charlie best friends, so they claim to be. Her head was screaming with questions, but her heart was and stomach were twisted, fluttering and a mess at the pure thought of them.

The way they held her, spoke to her, and even the way they made her laugh. It delighted her to be in their company. Still, she could not forget the names she had heard them say prior to a proper interdiction. Wes, Lee and Les there was something more. "But what could it be?"

"What was that, dear?" Her mother asked, looking rather surprised.

"Oh, I was just thinking." Emmalee replied with a heavy sigh.

"About poor Martha, yes I was quite shocked when she told me the truth." Charlotte went on, "How unfortunate. I had always wondered what happened to her, the poor dear."

"What did you find out?" Emmalee inquired, looking at her mother. Her problems would have to wait.

"She has sworn me to secrecy, but permitted me in informing you. She was very odd about it." Charlotte stammered on. Emmalee sat up a little straighter, waiting for her mother's thoughts to catch up with her lips. "Turns out, Lord Brodrick's uncle is the very Lord Brodrick all the mothers warn their daughters about. The younger and most reasoned Lord Brodrick, the very one you danced with, is nothing like his uncle." Charlotte relied. "The late Lord Thomas Brodrick ruined Martha, forcing her to marry his twin Edmund."

"Good Lord." Emmalee whispered. "Mrs. Brodrick has had a very hard life. Did her husband love her?"

"Indeed, she has, for her husband did not love her. No, not in the slightest," Charlotte replied, "They forced her to bear his children or else she would lose everything."

"How is that possible? Her son is so gentle and agreeable." Emmalee replied, thinking back to the time she danced with Wes. There was something in his eyes, fear perhaps. "There is something mysterious about the Lord Brodrick and his three close friends.."

"Indeed, there is," Charlotte replied deep in thought.

"Is he like his father? Does he look like him?" Emmalee asked. "Is Lord Wesley Brodrick just looking for a wife to bear them an heir?"

"Goodness no, he looks very much like his mother, only much taller." Charlotte smiled. Emmalee smiled at the Martha was very short, for even Emmalee was taller than Martha. "Word is, Lord Brodrick is looking for love."

"Mother, I wish to know more about them- Him." Emmalee stuttered for a moment. There are three of them. If she found Lord Brodrick interesting, she had to get to know his friends as well. She found courage to press on, "I wish to court Lord Brodrick."

Charlotte turned to her daughter, a shocked expression on her face said it all. "You wish to... so soon?"

"Yes. I like him a great deal." Emmalee voiced. "I also wish to know if he likes me."

"We shall have one more evening out with them." Charlotte said, "Lord Taylor is holding a ball at the end of the week. I informed Martha we would be attending. If you still fancy Lord Brodrick, I will invite him and his party to dine with us at their convenience."

Emmalee smiled and thanked her mother just as the carriage pulled to a halt outside their London home.


Martha pulled off her gloves as she entered Belle's home. It belonged to her husband, Aaron Shaw. She had an endless talk with her good friend Charlotte Northstone, her one dear friend. Martha dreamily walked up the stairs to bed, but paused when she heard shouting.

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