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Before you start reading, I'm going to have to put three disclaimers that are important to know.

1. This book does contain a large amount of biology. So, for the younger audience, this will be hard for you to read and understand. A large part of this story explains -as you can tell with the titel of the book, about the Earth. To make it easier, if you understand what archaea is and how the eukaryotes eventually appeared on earth from the perspective of science, then let me not hold you back from reading. 

As for some individuals who might have trouble with some parts (should've studied for your test), feel free to comment! And Google is an option too of course. 

2. I will be cursing in this book. Of course I won't say 'fuck' five times in one sentence, however I do find that it adds flavor to the character.

3. There will be mentions of blood. The main genre of this book is science-fiction, but it leans a bit on horror and fantasy as well.

And now that I'm done with the disclaimers, please do vote if you feel like it! It really helps and keeps up the spirit to keep writing.


It's no surprise that the Earth is slowly falling apart, is slowly getting suffocated, is slowly melting, is slowly getting cramped by the overpopulated humans, and slowly getting emptier by the underpopulated animals and plants.

So, before the humans could completely destroy their Earth, they managed to find a way to live on Mars and moved as soon as they did.

After that, the humans got a solution to stop mining for electricity as well. Some went back to their home planet and some stayed. So, humans continued to live on Earth and Mars for many more thousands of years.

The climate change stopped by a whole lot, and by living on Mars, they came across many new –and strange supplies that the human kind never has seen before. Unlike the Earth, Mars isn't placed on the right spot in the solar system to have a balanced climate of the hot sun and the cold space, Mars is placed closer to the hot sun, too close, too hot. Bacteria simply couldn't live in that hot climate, and the eukaryotes never even stood a chance to form even a cell –and the archaea? Those motherfuckers are immune to the cooking degrees. That resulted in different kinds of little species and materials –magic to the human eyes to play and experience with.

Due to the thousands of years added to the life of our dear Earth, and humans messing with the DNAs than more than they really should –animal species have evolved, a lot, and with "a lot" I mean more and faster than they have before 'Einstein wannabes' found a way to live on Mars.

That resulted with a few species ending up with different brain cells that added intelligence to them. They may never catch up to the human minds, but these could even go as far as understanding the human language, and some even trained since newborn to find a way to get their vocal cords to loud a few words.

However, when I said the Earth got more thousands of years to evolve, I said "thousands" not "hundreds of thousands", meaning only a selective amount of animals have this ability and not every species. For example, a few cows in India. They're left alone without harm and that gives them the perfect excuse to evolve. Surprisingly, rabbits happen to be in that list as well. And that thanks to their need to breed more than the average animal does, resulting to be one of the most evolved animals out there.

In some cases, this is a bad thing. Some animals should've never received their intelligence.

Predators to be exact –let me rephrase that better, snakes.

It's still one of the most hated creatures by the human kind. And just recently, they're even more hated. Way more than you could imagine. And that just because of one accident. One stupid accident that shouldn't have happened. They shouldn't have messed with their DNAs.

Stupid humans shouldn't have messed with anything and mind their own business.


If you see any mistakes such as grammar mistakes or if the information and the timeline doesn't match, please do let me know! I don't have any beta readers so it's quite a challenge.


Earth's life: The Snake VirusWhere stories live. Discover now