Chapter Eleven

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My breath felt painfully cold. 'Where am I?' I couldn't move my body, everything hurt, waves of pain washed over me. 'It hurts, why does everything hurt so bad. ' My eyes fluttered open to only be greeted by familiar darkness. Everything around me was quiet and freezing. Glazing over my surroundings my stomach dropped, it was my old room. 'My room? When did I get back to California?'  Then the smell of alcohol filled the air. 'Alcohol? Why does it smell like alcohol? ' 

"Tthe h-hell a-are you sl-sleeping for you-u little bitch." A gasp escaped my lips, 'that's impossible..' I felt my hands shake, I looked up to see him. 'No...No...' He smiled down at me sadistically, before he gripped my hair.  "A-answer me y-you pa-athetic girl." He pulled me closer to him, I grimaced at the harsh smell of booze on his breath. 

"H-How are you a-alive John?" My voice trembled, fear apparent on my face. He smiled and threw me back on the ground. 'How? He's supposed to be dead. They told me he was dead. I need to move and getaway. ' Forcing myself to move, the pain intensified causing me to cry out. "FUCK!" But that didn't stop me, I continued to move. 'Come on Dianella move your fucking body.' 

"D-Don't try to g-get away now. B-Be a good g-girl!" John mumbled and clutched my arm, pulling me back towards him. 

"DON'T TOUCH ME ASSHOLE!!" I  tried to kick John in his chest but it didn't do anything to him. It was like I had no strength behind my hits. "I-I MEAN IT FUCKING TOUCH ME AND I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" John laughed and ignored my threats. Panic quickly took over me and I started to scream, "STOP STOP DON'T TOUCH ME PLEASE PLEASE STO-"




"-nella! Dianella! Dianella! Wake up!" 

Gasping, I shot up to see Lorenzo Niccolo and Gino looking down at me. Their faces were filled with fright and worry. My hands trembled as I hugged myself. 'A dream, it was a dream.' Ignoring my brothers as they stood there I made my way to the bathroom and quickly washed away any tears that made their way on my face. 'Damn it they saw me cry...and from a nightmare! Gah! How embarrassing! God, I must look like a little bitch.' Finally, I turned to see Niccolo walking to my side. 

He was quick to hug me comfortingly, "Stai bene sorellina? Quello Che e successo? Ti serve qualcosa?!" (Are you okay little sister? What happened? Do you need anything?!) Niccolo patted my head making my face heat up. 

I pushed him away and crossed my arms, "Stop it! What are you doing in my room!"  

Lorenzo stepped forward, "You were screaming in your sleep we came to see what was wrong." I scowled my embarrassment worsening. "Are you alright?" 

'I was screaming in my sleep? I haven't had a nightmare in years! Why did I have to have one now?!' I internally yelled. "Look I'm fine and I much as I appreciate you barging in my room you can leave now!" I tried to push them out but none of them budged. 

Gino stared at me and my frazzled state, "What did you dream about? You were screaming a name."

My breath hitched and I couldn't look at them, " I don't know what you're talking about. Just leave, will you?!" Gino and the others looked at each other causing me to bite my lip. "LOOK JUST LEAVE I'M FINE!" Instead, Niccolo sat on my bed and stubbornly stared at me. 

"No! You were screaming like someone was hurting you! Please just talk to us!" Niccolo and I stared at each other. 'How am I suppose to talk to him? Why should I talk to him? It's all in the past so it doesn't matter anymore...' I told myself. 'It'll be better for everyone if I just forget everything that has happened. I'm being so sensitive...'

"Who's John?" Lorenzo spoke out my body froze at the mention of his name, "Wasn't John your st-"

"LEAVE IT ALONE! I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT HIM!! JUST SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! GO AWAY!" Tears fell from my eyes. I hastily tried to wipe them away. 'Damn it! Stop crying! You're not a little girl!' But the tears wouldn't stop flowing down my cheeks. Lorenzo gently stopped my hands from rubbing my eyes and wiped whatever tears were left and pulled me closer to him. He hugged me and whispered. 

"We won't talk about, I'm sorry for bringing him up. " He quietly drew circles on my back as I cried. I didn't bother trying to stop the tears from flowing. 'Why....why are they being so nice to me? I was so terrible to them being angry at them for everything.' Hesitatnly I wrapped my arms around him. 

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry for being so terrible." I hiccuped as I apologized. "I-I'm sorry." 'I don't deserve their love...why would want me?'

Lorenzo shushed me and hugged tighter, "There is nothing to be sorry for. Ti prometto sorellina che non lascero mai che niente ti ferisca piu. Chiunque osi soffrira molto." (I promise you little sister I'll never let anything hurt you anymore. Anyone who dares will suffer greatly.) I soon started to drowse off and when Lorenzo noticed he picked me up and placed me on the bed. "Dormi, saremo qui domattina." (Sleep, we'll be here in the morning.) And with that I fell into a deep slumber again. 

-Lorenzo's P.O.V-

Dianella quickly fell asleep and I signaled my brothers to leave. We walked out quietly none of us talking. Finally after a few minutes Gino spoke up, "Lorenzo what are we going to do?" His voice was hushed and worried. I sighed and ran my hand through me hair. What were we going to do? ' poor little sister must have been through something terrible for her to react like that.

"Did you see her reaction when you asked about her step father?" Niccolo pointed out. 

I clenched my hands, "If that bastard was alive I'd have him tortured and skinned alive." What did he do to her? How did he scar her. "We need to find out, it's obvious she been through something traumatic. But we can't force her to tell us." Sighing I thought about Dianella's tears. It pained me to see her breakdown like that. And when she apologized to me it almost broke me. "For now we need to just be here for her. I'm sure as hell not letting her go back to California. "

"She's not going to like that Lorenzo, but I'm not diagreeing with you. " Niccolo fretted. It was clear he was extremely worried about Dianella and her state, "Maybe one of us should go back to her and make su-"

I put my hand up to stop him, "No. As much as I want to let you it's clear she needs to rest. That nightmare she had took a lot of energy out of her." Niccolo frowned but didn't argue. "Let her sleep and in the morning we'll check in on Dianella. Now go get some rest. " Niccolo and Gino both went to their rooms but I doubt they're going to sleep. I know I intend to, 'Now let's see who this John person really is.' I thought as I headed to my office. 

I'm getting answers on what happened to my sister. 

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